View Full Version : 'Slow vision' or 'low framerate vision' in harsh lighting conditions

08-01-20, 18:53
Male, 34, generally healthy, have had panic attacks in the past (5-6 years ago) and almost fully recovered from them. But I still often have worrying thoughts and minor symptoms.

I have one which I cannot explain very well and happens every once in a while. It is not a symptom of panic per se, as it seems to happen also when I'm not feeling anxious. But I feel anxious afterwards.

In some lighting conditions, especially when the sun is going down combined with artificial lighting, my eyes start to act weird. If it's as I am watching a film but with a low framerate. When I look around, it seems to go 'slower' than normal and something just feels 'off'. I'm not dizzy nor seeing blurry. When I close one eye nothing really changes. I can still see sharp and walk around normally. It's just that looking around feels weird and almost 'unreal'.

Now, this makes me very aware of my sight and also a bit anxious. And when I concentrate on what I see and how I see, it doesn't get better. It passes after a while, on it's own. Either because the lighting has changed, for instance when the sun has set completely, or on it's own.
But when I think about this the next day for instance, and lighting conditions are similar, I can sometimes make the same effect appear again. But not at the same 'strength' as when it comes out of nowhere.

Does this sound familiar? I have spoken to some eye doctors about this and some people I know but nobody has ever said they heard something like this.

Also, when I'm tired my eyes seem to drift a bit further apart than normal. And this seems to make it much more likely that I experience weird stuff with my vision.

I went to an eye doctor today who did some tests. He found that, although I have almost perfect vision, my eyes are probably straining to see well. And when my eyes are tired, problems could arise. Also, my intraocular pressure was high (24 mmHG). This might be explained by frequent coughing since I have a cough. But slightly worries me.

Anyway, someone here who knows what this might be? And what could cause it and what would help?

08-01-20, 19:07
There is an explanation for this.
It happens when you are highly sensitised and your sight is affected with change of light, bright light including sunlight. It's mentioned quite a lot on the forum and some of the descriptions are....
Seeing everything as if watching a smokescreen film
Having tunnel vision
Seeing everything as if not reality
Blurry vision
The sensation goes when you desensitise.

10-01-20, 13:35
Thanks Carnation.

Yea that makes sense. My body is probably very sensitive to small changes and pick them up instantly. I seem to have it a lot when my eyes are tired which is probably both physicological and psychological a reason to have more altered vision.