View Full Version : Severe cramps during period

09-01-20, 10:17
Hi. I’m hoping someone can offer me some reassurance. I’m not googling but wanted to ask. Do any of you ladies get really bad cramps during your period? I’m talking what feel like the early stages on labour, you can’t sleep through it it’s that bad?

I dont get it every month and it’s not the entire period but every other month for last 6 or 7 months I keep getting these awful cramps that will happen once but last no more than about 6 hours in total. It’s all in my lower back and top of my thighs. I’ve had three kids and it feels like early stages of labour. I’m day 3 or 4 of period. Last night was so bad I had no choice but to take ibuprofen at 4am. I just couldn’t sleep. I kept tossing and turning. I couldn’t get comfortable. Blood flow is as it always is. Odd few clots but not heavier when these cramps are happening.

My anxiety is really bad at the moment, back to obsessively checking my breasts again and convincing myself something is going on there again. Could the anxiety be causing this? Is it because I’m now in my thirties? Being over weight!

Im just really puzzled by why I’m getting this and why it’s so painful!

Thank you x

09-01-20, 11:35
I always have cramps with my natural cycle, sometimes it’s better than others. Some months it could be as you described. I’ve just started birth control again after only two cycles because I just can’t deal with it!

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09-01-20, 11:55
Hi. I’m hoping someone can offer me some reassurance. I’m not googling but wanted to ask. Do any of you ladies get really bad cramps during your period? I’m talking what feel like the early stages on labour, you can’t sleep through it it’s that bad?

I dont get it every month and it’s not the entire period but every other month for last 6 or 7 months I keep getting these awful cramps that will happen once but last no more than about 6 hours in total. It’s all in my lower back and top of my thighs. I’ve had three kids and it feels like early stages of labour. I’m day 3 or 4 of period. Last night was so bad I had no choice but to take ibuprofen at 4am. I just couldn’t sleep. I kept tossing and turning. I couldn’t get comfortable. Blood flow is as it always is. Odd few clots but not heavier when these cramps are happening.

My anxiety is really bad at the moment, back to obsessively checking my breasts again and convincing myself something is going on there again. Could the anxiety be causing this? Is it because I’m now in my thirties? Being over weight!

Im just really puzzled by why I’m getting this and why it’s so painful!

Thank you x

I have had extremely bad pain before I had a child - the pain was so crippling I would vomit & literally curl up on the floor begging for the pain to stop! AFter childbirth I know that these types of pains (whilst you on your period) is normal :)

Try a hot water bottle which works wonders

09-01-20, 16:32
My cramps have changed over the years. They were mild when I first got my period, became horrific from high school until I had a baby. Then after my daughter they were gone for a few years and then came back when I was like 34.

I just noticed on the perimenopause thread that you're 34... I feel like this is just the witching age for hormone crap.

10-01-20, 03:28
Yes! And I've noticed that the more dehydrated I am, the worse they will be. Make sure you're drinking lots of water, even gatorade or pedialyte if you feel very under the weather.

10-01-20, 13:29
Thank you for your responses. I guess it just threw me as I’ve never had them this bad before until a few months ago. The anxiety probably makes it all worse too. Good tip about hydration antsyvee.

Erinkc i agree. Thirtees it seems to change for a lot of us. I need to take better care of myself I think and I’m sure that would improve these issues a bit more. X