View Full Version : Vision jerks health anxiety

09-01-20, 15:21

Since suffering with dam Axiety my vision plays up, ive had my eyes checked at a eye appointment and all seems well according to them although i did needed some reading glasses no biggy.

I was getting worked up about sorting a short break for my wife, She enjoyed the break away, but i was constantly worrying about this and that couldnt sleep and i did the Dr google thing Dam i wish i wouldnt but i do.

Now im stressed thinking ive got a Brain tumor or something,

Since last wkend ive felt i little dizzy, also had simmering headaches not painful just a tension type across the middle of my head, Both of my legs calfs become heavy feeling too again this comes and go's depending on my mood. :(

These seem to have more a less gone, also been waking up during the night a cold sweat worrying, And found myself having to get up and sit in the lounge to wind down, which helps.

Ive been really run down of late and worrying about stuff and my health the weekend break was a big issue for me.

When i look at things in the distance say for instance a long range of Trees or Houses at the end of the garden say, i cant follow smoothly along the top of the tree line with my eyes , My vision just jerks from one point/section to the next.

Normal stuff which is on its own is fine like a car or lamp post. It just seems tobe anything im trying to follow smoothly with my sight.

Strange i know i hope its just my anxiety playing up, just wondering if anyone else suffer's similar?

worried thanx in advance

I my head feels abit fuzzy sort of weight above the tops of my eyes , the more i worry the worse it seems tobe. other times i don't notice it so much,