View Full Version : Getting random cold sweats on the tail end of the flu, please help

09-01-20, 18:06
Caught the flu last Friday, 1/3, been miserable for a few days and on Sunday got the anti-flu virus tamiflu and benzocotate/tessollin for my cough. I'm slowly recovering, but ever since yesterday afternoon (Wednesday), I've been suddenly having random bouts of cold sweats. I should've mentioned this to my doctor when I was at her office yesterday afternoon but they checked my other vitals and they were fine.

I get these episodes once in awhile but they go away after a day or two. This one I'm worried about because it's morning Thursday and I've had it since Wednesday noon. It's not night sweats because I don't wake up drenched in my bed, just a little sweat around my neck. I don't know how to describe the physical sensation I have right now, as long as I don't move too much I don't sweat but the moment I do some activity I get *some* cold sweats.

I know I'm not 100% healed from the flu (it's still 6 days) but I didn't have these cold sweats earlier this week. Anyone else had this while they had the flu?

09-01-20, 18:48
Nobody heals from the flu in 6 days. 6 weeks to fully heal, maybe. Flu is brutal, so having a symptom of the flu while you still have the flu isn't really anything to worry about.

09-01-20, 18:56
Nobody heals from the flu in 6 days. 6 weeks to fully heal, maybe. Flu is brutal, so having a symptom of the flu while you still have the flu isn't really anything to worry about.

Thanks, I'm just wondering why I'm getting cold sweats "later" in my illness. My doctor says it takes about 7-10 days for you to recover from the symptoms but she did mention like you did that you don't FULLY recover until a week or two, sometimes weeks after.

This is the first flu I've had in years. Most of the time I just catch colds, which are miserable but at the very least don't have the other flu symptoms that come with it, but this is the first time in ages I had the whole shebang where I was *ordered* by my doctor to stay home or risk infecting people. They even did the nose swab test where they stuck it in the machine and told me what strain I had (type b). That was interesting.

I just find it annoying because I'm back at work after 3 sick days off + the weekend and it's 72 degrees in the office but I'm still getting cold sweats while sitting at a desk. Only thing that's keeping me dry is this handy fan I have on me.

09-01-20, 19:06
You're over analysing it. You haven't healed yet, and you're still having symptoms, probably made worse by going back to work before you really should.

I would sneak Friday off and give yourself another 3 full days to recover fully.

09-01-20, 23:43
My nephew just had type B flu, and on day 6 he was still running a low fever. You're just still sick. Can you take Friday off like Joe suggests? You might still be contagious.

02-02-20, 08:01
Thanks folks, I know this is a late followup, but the cold sweats stopped a couple days after I posted that, you all were correct. You also all were right, I should've taken another day off work, thought I was better on the 5th day. I've had colds but it's been years since I had fevers so I wasn't familiar with how the whole process goes.

Next time I won't hesitate to take a week off if this happens to me. But what this will also teach me to do is to get my flu shot.