View Full Version : Please help cant stop crying

11-01-20, 17:32
Please help me calm down someone,I'm a 41 fm mother to 2 young children and I'm breaking down convinced I have leukemia or myeloma.. for the past 6 weeks I'm having nightly night sweats ( not stressed at all when they started)which I did see gp who ran lots of bloods and decided it was my antidepressants ?? Even though I've been taking them 18yrs and never had this problem? Now for the last 2vweeks along with waking up wet from sweat I'm having pain all over in my bones..its deep aching everywhere ,its not it muscle as when I squeeze them theres no pain and there is when I put pressure on the bones! Also constantly there when sitting down ! Now stupid googled and its screaming at me the night sweats ,bone pain and I'm a complete mess cant function ... please help do you think I need to go back to gp ? My brain is thinking yes but I'm also so so worried to go!! So worried and feel numb that I'm going to leave my babies without a mum 😢 thankyou x

11-01-20, 17:50
Dont want to dismiss your worries but surely that would have been picked up on the blood tests?

11-01-20, 18:06
I thought they were special bloods not the routine ones gps do? That's what someone said on a Macmillan forum which I stupidly read,the aching in my bones is worrying me stupid along with night sweats,if it was just one symptom of it I wouldn't be as concerned..thankyou for your reply x

11-01-20, 18:13
A full blood count (which I assume you have had) detects blood cancers I believe. If they 'detect' or feel as though there is something out of whack they will investigate further. By the sounds of it this isn't the case.

11-01-20, 19:00
Now stupid googled

Yep.. I agree with your above statement.

11-01-20, 19:25
Ask them to run a hormone panel in addition.......if that s not already been done ?

11-01-20, 23:03
Thanks to all who've replied, yes I do recall a hormone panel was in with the tests as I remember him saying thyroid was normal..I've decided to ring Monday to make an appointment for this week ,I've been so so bad today worrying sick not concentrating.

12-01-20, 03:36
If you had a normal CBC you do not have Leukemia.

You might want to have your hormones checked.

12-01-20, 08:21
Hiyer, I was thinking about female sex hormones as well really.....

12-01-20, 11:18
Your sedimentation rate (ESR) would be high and hemoglobin would be off with myeloma. Leukemia also shows on general blood work so you are fine

12-01-20, 15:00
Thankyou guys for all your replies I truly appreciate it xx

14-01-20, 01:14
Hi. You could be entering perimenopause, which can start several years prior to menopause. One of the hallmarks of this period of hormonal transitions is night sweats. Also, fatigue is common. No women (myself included!) likes to think about age and this happening, but it's all very normal.

14-01-20, 11:27
Hi yes it did cross my mind but my gp did run hormone tests so I guess unfortunately that's not the case... I've phoned my local surgery and cant get to see a doctor till next Wednesday!! The aching in my bones is debilitating and making my mind feel like its burning out with worry.Im so fatigued and just lying on the sofa most of the time while my children entertain themselves,even lying down I'm deep aching especially in my legs and arms.Obviously I'm extremely worried and my mind is highly aware,do you think my mind is making the pain more amplified? Or cant this happen? Thankyou everyone xx

14-01-20, 11:41
Absolutely the anxiety could be making the pain worse, and if you're lying on the sofa all the time it means you're just focusing on your worries. Also, from personal experience after a tiring weekend, lying down for too long will worsen all those little niggles and maybe create a few more.

In general, the more you keep your mind occupied the less tired you'll feel.

14-01-20, 13:20
I agree with BlueIris 100%

15-01-20, 11:05
Hi , quick question, I had my bloods taken back in last week of November last year mainly because of night sweats and all was clear.Now I've had this fatigue and all over bone pain past 2 weeks... would anything bad have shown up on previous tests? Or should I ask for new bloods to be done? My mind is thinking down to my bones aching that new bloods will show something sinister,I'm a bloody mess I just wish I could stop this pain xx

15-01-20, 11:15
You need to stop thinking about this and get on with your life.

15-01-20, 21:21
Hi , quick question, I had my bloods taken back in last week of November last year mainly because of night sweats and all was clear.Now I've had this fatigue and all over bone pain past 2 weeks... would anything bad have shown up on previous tests? Or should I ask for new bloods to be done? My mind is thinking down to my bones aching that new bloods will show something sinister,I'm a bloody mess I just wish I could stop this pain xx

Take your concerns to your Dr ad tell him/her your fears about your bone pain. There are other benign (non-cancerous) conditions that can cause these symptoms. The 'bone' pain may be muscle or tendons pulling on the bones.

15-01-20, 22:04
I see you said your primary ran a hormone panel on you already but perhaps it could prove beneficial to see a GYN for sex hormones because even though you had a normal hormone panel doesn’t mean you don’t have a hormone imbalance. They can all be in normal range but still be imbalanced if that makes sense plus it would be good to know where you are in your cycle when the panel is done because this can be telling as well. Hormones are complicated and so it could be wise to see a doctor who specializes in this area.

If you had your bloods ran end of November nothing sinister is going to show up now as that was less then two months ago. Your anxiety is trying to convince you something is wrong and your body is responding to the stress and anxiety it’s dealing with. Anxiety can and will make your physical symptoms feel 100 times worse, I promise.

16-01-20, 09:54
Thankyou to everyone for your replies I will be back to let you know how I get on with doctor next week! Xx

16-01-20, 10:30
I see you said your primary ran a hormone panel on you already but perhaps it could prove beneficial to see a GYN for sex hormones because even though you had a normal hormone panel doesn’t mean you don’t have a hormone imbalance.

Yep, that was my wavelength too......mentioned it in an earlier page, definitely mention it Ceri when you go next week.