View Full Version : Weird dizziness? - anxiety?

11-01-20, 19:27
I suffer anxiety and panic attacks. I have often had dizzy spells, I used to have low blood pressure so that gave me dizziness, and I have had ear infections giving me vertigo/bppv.
However, this dizziness comes and goes and has done for several years. It doesn't feel like any other type of dizziness and it freaks me out. Whenever I speak to a doctor they say 'were you feeling anxious?' And just assume it's my anxiety. But it feels like it's getting worse. More regular and more violent. The only way I can describe this dizziness is like the floor suddenly drops or I get hit on the head with a bat or something. Everything suddenly goes whoosh and I feel like I'm going to fall over. A couple of times it has been noticeable to other people because I've had to brace myself or have ducked. It doesn't last long but it terrifies me. One day I'll be driving with my kids or something and I hate to think what could happen.
Is this kind of dizziness common to anxiety? Or do I demand more from the doctors?

Thanks guys xx

13-01-20, 14:27
Hi there
I don't know if it's common to anxiety but I certainly get it like that. It's like wooooaaaa, what was that?
I would wait a bit without worrying too much about and it might go. If not mention it to your doc. But don't be afraid of it cause then fear will keep it happening x

03-04-20, 22:18
Hi Shelly, do you still have this? I have been told I have vertigo and currently on medication for it (which is doing nothing at the moment). I get those sudden elevator drops. They take my breath away. It's horrible. Sometimes I get them every 20 mins and I really struggle and panic after them. I generally feel ill all the time. I'm worried to do normal things in case I feel like that,. I get it sitting eating dinner, I get it enjoying TV on the couch, I get it listening to someone. I feel like I am going to fall off the chair.
Sometimes I'm very sensitive to light and sound and makes me freak. I can get sudden shortness of breath because I freak out. I feel like I'm in a constant state of panic. Have you had any relief from this? I've been like this for years but definitely worse over the past year or so.
Hope to hear from you soon. Take care x