View Full Version : what effect does anxiety play in your asthma

11-01-20, 21:32
hi all, so breathing issues have been a struggle of mine for 8 or so years now. I was told i had asthma around the same time i was told i suffered anxiety and have been on asthma meds since. Recently i had a asthma spiro test at the doctors and they was happy with it and said i have mild asthma. I am 31 yrs old on roughly around 50 pounds heavier than i have ever been so i know i am overweight and i started smoking again 6 months ago for the first time in 9 years due to a lot going on in my life. Sorry for the life story but its better to know everything i think, my question is to anyone with asthma and how having anxiety effects it? I always find myself focusing on every breath and just overthinking it. Does any lifestyle changes help or do you take any herbal remedies aswell as your normal asthma and anxiety meds?
I have heard a lot about CBD but i dont know much about it myself

Any advice is greatly received

Thank you

12-01-20, 02:30
I developed asthma after a bad case of bronchitis in college. My asthma always follows the weather, it’s worse in the spring and summer and tends to get better in fall and winter. I have anxiety, depression and OCD and can 100% tell you that anxiety worsens my asthma symptoms. It not so much makes my breathing worse but it creates symptoms that aren’t even there. I get a tight chest and I breathe quickly and uneven. I often reach for my inhaler during these moments (that are actually panic attacks). Having anxiety and asthma is frustrating but just try to calm down and take slow deep breaths. Funny enough the albuterol in the inhaler can create anxiety in and of itself!