View Full Version : Ladies, please please help!

11-01-20, 22:17
Hi everyone,

After recovering from a virus that made me feel awful for over a week, I am on holiday and am really trying not to freak out but today I noticed a large red mark on my right breast. It’s not very dark (I’m extremely pale ha), and it doesn’t feel hot/thickened, and I can’t see any dimpling.

I’m away for two weeks so can’t see a GP until then and I am NOT going to google but I already have in my head it could be inflammatory breast cancer.

Has anyone else had anything similar? I am not sure what the mark could possibly be from as I haven’t done anything to irritate that area that I’m aware of. It’s been a couple of hours and it’s not looking any different.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated - really don’t want this to ruin my holiday and hang over my head for the next two weeks 😢

11-01-20, 22:32
I'm not sure where your on holidays- but it could be heat rash? (It's not always hot to touch it) I get red patches like that on my chest in hotter areas or if I was nervous about the flight/travel I break out in red patches! To be honest breast issues has never been a worry for me, so I wouldn't notice things like this! Please try to enjoy your trip x

11-01-20, 22:56
Hi Louise,

Yes I’m somewhere hot - didn’t think of a heat rash! But no idea why it would be just on one breast?

And yep - I’m trying!!

Thank you 😊 xx

12-01-20, 04:32
I get these sometimes; if it's only been a couple of hours there's no need to panic, the tissue is very sensitive and if you have pale skin it can sometimes mark without you noticing.

I've been through the IBC panic before, and what's helped me is knowing it almost always covers at least a third of the breast.

12-01-20, 12:38
Thanks very much BlueIris, that’s helpful to know 😊

Going to try and ignore it now and enjoy my holiday - I think having the virus has made me slightly anxious again so everything is heightened as I was feeling fine before that.