View Full Version : Coping with full time office work

01-10-07, 10:41
Hi all,

Just want a bit of support as we all know that anyone who hasent had these feelings cant truly understand how it is.

I've worked full time in an office enviorment since January. Every day is diffucult. I dread coming in and somehow get through every day. I constantly feel weird and like I'm going to pass out.

I'm like the dogs body in the office so I'm asked to go out quite a bit and get supplies for the office which I hate. I hate being on my own outside. Somehow I have mananged not to have a full blown panic attack.

Sometimes while sitting at my desk and everyone is shouting around me, all I want to do is run out the door but I know I mustnt because people are proud of me for being here and I'm scared of letting anyone down including myself.

My anxiety is just getting worse and worse and every single day is a constant struggle to get through the day....even the next ten minutes.

I'm always hating answer the phone in case I say something silly which I have done a couple of times. I'm just a constant bag of nerves. I hate being stuck in a situation like work where you can't escape it until the time you are alowed to leave.

Sorry, just venting. People at work know a little about my situation but not much. Nobody realises that it's so hard for me to get through a day. I'm just so scared that I'm going to fail.

I know if I gave up, how bored I would be at home. I'd not be as anxious but I'd be doing the same thing as I do here, on the computer all day.

I can type this now because everyone is in a meeting and I'm left to answer the phones. I hate being like this. :(

01-10-07, 12:34
Hello Hayz,

I think you just told my story from over a year ago. Man this really brings it back.

First off I want to say, you are doing a good job, even if you don't think so.I too struggled trying to work, in an office, I was an accounting Mangager so I know what this is like. It seemed that nobody in there could do anything without me holding their hands. However for me it came a time when I knew,deep down in my heart that I could no longer take the stress of working. I quit and am still staying home today. However my panic attacks and anxiety is alot better now.

Please don't worry about saying silly things on the telephone. Most people are so busy that they aren't even paying any attention to what you have just said.

Do you get regular break times, if so go outside an walk around, or go to a quite spot for a few minutes just to get away from everything. Also I took a radio into work, it helped block some of the noise out and help to keep me calm. I also had a candle on my desk, don't ask me why, but I found that if I light the candle it helped calm me down. Also the other thing, do you use a computer alot at work, if so make sure that you take breaks away from it.Looking at the screen can make you anxiety worse if done so for long periods of time during the day.

I wish you all the luck in the world, hang in there.
Remember that we are always here for each other.
Don't forget to do your breathing exercise, and relaxation exercise, even if you have to go into the bathroom to do them

Take care
Believe:hugs: :flowers:


01-10-07, 12:36

I do know how you feel. I have just had to give up my job as a teacher and there were many times that I just wanted to run away. Have you told your employers about your condition? I told mine but unfortunately they were not as understanding as they could have been, but I know other people have said that theyre boss/line manager has been great. If you have had this problem for 2 years or more it can be classed as disability and your employer has to try to make reasonable adjustments to your working environment in order that you can continue to work there. You can also get support from Access to Work who you contact through your local job centre plus.
Dont worry about letting other people down either, you have to do what you think is right for you, not what you think will please other people.

TC xxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

01-10-07, 14:28
Hi Hayz

Just wanted to let you know - that I am going through this right now too.

I only work 30 hours per week - but it is hell.

I am usually okay for the first hour or so of being in work - but after that - I am so anxious and panicky. I constantly clock watch - and count down how long I have to go before I can escape.

The problem is that I like my job - I just dont know why I feel like this. It is not a too stressful job - there are stressful moments but nothing I cannot handle. So why do I feel so bad when I am there???

I havent told anyone about my problems - as it can be quite a bitchy place to work - and I would hate for people to be talking about me behind my back as people are very quick to judge when they dont fully understand the condition.

I cannot afford to give up work - so that is not an option.

Take care x

01-10-07, 16:23
Hi there

i just wanted to say WELL DONE for how you have coped so far! I suffer from anxiety and panic and its horrible, i wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy. I know how the last thing you feel like doing is getting up out of bed and facing the world so you should be proud!!

i know its different for everyone but I find being at work is usually better than staying at home with no contact with anyone and nothing else to think about except the anxiety. Personally I find work is a good distraction. You dont sound like you enjoy your job very much but try thinking positively about your role. Really try and concentrate on your job and keep it in your mind that you sre making a difference to your company. Have you considered a career change? Another good distraction is to focus on something you'd really like to do and go for it? It might feel like the last thing you feel like doing at the moment but maybe soon?

As to telling your employer i also work for a team full of girls and can be extremely bitchy! But I also found by telling my manager it was a huge relief. i tried to hide it for ages which was another big pressure i didnt need. in the end i just thought "i dont care what people think" and you'd be suprised at how many people suffer the same or similar things.

i dont think i've helped much but just so you know your not on your own out there!!!