View Full Version : Please help who has had appendix/appendicitis so scared

12-01-20, 21:57
Hi. Thanks for taking the time to help me. I have very bad health anxiety. So 3 days ago I woke up with a dull pain on my left groin lower belly pain. Ofcourse my head started its your appendix/appendicitis I tried not to Google bit that afternoon I did only to find out it's on your right side not left. But kidney stones are. So I got thinking well i have that but because for hrs i was think it was appendix/appendicitis the pain jumped to the right side where it have been now for 2days. Please someone help who has had it and what are the real symptom? I dont want to go to the doctors I'm very scared of them. What if it is and I have to get them taken out? Thats a 2hr drive from me I have left my town in years I'm to scared to leave tbe fear over fears the fear of the unknown. Yep all sounds messed up

12-01-20, 22:10
Hi. Thanks for taking the time to help me. I have very bad health anxiety. So 3 days ago I woke up with a dull pain on my left groin lower belly pain. Ofcourse my head started its your appendix/appendicitis I tried not to Google bit that afternoon I did only to find out it's on your right side not left. But kidney stones are. So I got thinking well i have that but because for hrs i was think it was appendix/appendicitis the pain jumped to the right side where it have been now for 2days. Please someone help who has had it and what are the real symptom? I dont want to go to the doctors I'm very scared of them. What if it is and I have to get them taken out? Thats a 2hr drive from me I have left my town in years I'm to scared to leave tbe fear over fears the fear of the unknown. Yep all sounds messed up

Not sure if you are worried about appendicitis, kidney stones or both. If you had an appendicitis you would be in agony, probably unable to move. Same for kidney stones you would be in a lot of pain. With appendicitis you also get fever/vomiting etc.

I bet anything it’s anxiety/trapped wind. Especially if it’s dull. appendicitis would be stabbing pain and kidney stones would be similar (which you feel in your back most the time not lower abdomen)

12-01-20, 22:27
I juat want this head to stop for abit. So worried

12-01-20, 22:31
I dont see it being trapped wind as I still pass gas and still do number 2 fine. No belly/upset gut.

12-01-20, 22:38
I dont see it being trapped wind as I still pass gas and still do number 2 fine. No belly/upset gut.

Could still be trapped wind the intestines are very curved and wind can get trapped in certain areas and not others.

13-01-20, 02:04
You got a lot going on, though I wouldn’t think any of it is a serious medical issue. My wife had appendicitis. Basically you’d know that it was inflamed and serious. It wouldn’t an instance where you think you might need to go. You’d need to go.

13-01-20, 09:47
What sysdoms did she have?

13-01-20, 11:58
What sysdoms did she have?

Discussing symptoms will only feed your dragon and it doesn't matter because you're not describing anything serious. Suffice it to say, the previous replies are accurate concerning the severity of pain.

Positive thoughts

13-01-20, 12:05
My dad did too and was buckled on the floor and needed an ambulance. A friend of mine also had it and was also unable to walk or speak, she also was rushed to hospital. You would know about it!

13-01-20, 12:10
The pain seems to come and go. To be honest its only really there when im not doing anything *letting my mind think* today I had to pull my motorbike apart pull it back together and whippersnipper and mow the lawn didnt feel any pain unless I was *thinking is the pain still there*. What im asking does the pain come and go?

13-01-20, 12:12
Like is there a onset the pain on the right right, right where your appendix is has been there for 2days now. Could is be working it's way to something worse?

13-01-20, 12:13
The pain isn't the problem here. Your anxiety and irrationality is.

13-01-20, 14:13
You mite not understand this lol. But you on where your hip is and you go in abit and there's what i call a muscle that follows your hip down? Well that's where the pain is on/or under that.

13-01-20, 14:14
Are you getting help with your anxiety?

13-01-20, 14:29
I live in a very little town. There is next to noone here.

13-01-20, 14:35
From what I know it can come and go over a few hours but then becomes severe and constant pain that youd seriously know about. Sounds like the pains I get if I focus on an area, the brain is powerful. Just ignore it, its nothing.

13-01-20, 14:41
I try to and when I do forget it its not tbere but i catch myself asking is it there and dam it's back for hrs again. No worse no better

13-01-20, 15:23
When I was about 13 my friend told me about how she had an appendicitis’s when she was 7 and how painful it was. Me already having anxiety was terrified when she told me about it.

I spent the next few years (yes years) worrying almost daily that I had one. Any small twinge of pain in the right side of my abdomen made me panic. I would be in class and literally have panic attacks about a tiny pain, then I’d get really flustered and of course think I was hot because I had a fever. Even got my parents to take me up to a and e once which they weren’t happy about.

That was 2013, I still even get this fear occasionally but not to the extent I did. Honestly it’s not worth worrying about unless it’s severe pain. Don’t waste time worrying over it like I did. Pains just happen and when you are anxious you notice them more. Best thing to do is ignore it.

I know it’s scary but removing the appendix is one of the most common operations performed. If you did have one, it would be sorted quickly and you would most likely be fine.

13-01-20, 19:47
Appendicitis is excruciatingly painful. It doesnt come and go. Trust me

14-01-20, 01:50
Now I'm getting the *sick feeling in the guts* please people is it coming or just this head. Ps no pain in right side just sick guts

14-01-20, 04:38
You don't have appendicitis. You've been told this repeatedly.

14-01-20, 14:54
I'm in the unusual position of having had it twice. The first time (Bonfire Night, 1971) it went away, the second time (eight months later) my appendix burst. In both cases, I was in absolute agony (I was seven) and being violently sick all the time, especially on that second occasion. The rebound test they did at the time was always applied to the left, and that's where my pain was on both occasions. I then spent over a week in an isolation unit remote from the main hospital (both now gone) afterwards.

15-01-20, 05:56
So you No you have it you have it?

15-01-20, 10:08
Do you think if you had problems with your appendix, you would be posting on an anxiety forum? My friend has his removed several years ago.