View Full Version : Tickling throat and dry cough

13-01-20, 01:40
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to reach out before I start spiraling. I’ve had a dry cough and tickle in the back of my throat for the past week, but no other symptoms. I don’t have any congestion or a cold, which is odd. It seems to get worse at night and I wake up with a really dry throat. Is this something I should be worrying about or do you think it’s just due to dry winter air?? Anyone ever had these symptoms with no cold?? Maybe I should try a humidifier?

13-01-20, 21:08

Dry winter air. I've been having the same thing for weeks. Get a humidifier and a water bottle next to your bed for when you wake up.

Best Wishes

13-01-20, 21:28
It’s very similar to a virus my daughter had, the congestion came out after about a week. Maybe yours will or won’t, but there are so many little viruses around.

16-01-20, 16:39
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to reach out before I start spiraling. I’ve had a dry cough and tickle in the back of my throat for the past week, but no other symptoms. I don’t have any congestion or a cold, which is odd. It seems to get worse at night and I wake up with a really dry throat. Is this something I should be worrying about or do you think it’s just due to dry winter air?? Anyone ever had these symptoms with no cold?? Maybe I should try a humidifier?

Yep I started with this on Tuesday suddenly tickling throat & coughing - its now turned into gunk when I cough and I feel a little 'under the weather' - my son has had the same cough but no cold coming to fruition.....its all going round - I have a massive fear of Lung cancer BUT I keep telling myself its a cold end of so its hard I know!

17-01-20, 13:23
That is exactly my fear! I was in a horrible bout of health anxiety last year and surprisingly didn’t come down with anything during the winter so of course the year that I’m finally feeling better mental health wise, that something would come up. I’ll wait it out for a bit before getting amped up.

17-01-20, 14:00
Before getting amped up? Why would you presume you'd start getting amped up or 'spiralling' over just a cough. Instead of looking at it from that perspective try and stand back from this and remind yourself you have a cough, that's it. Don't pay it any more attention than it needs, which is very little.

17-01-20, 14:07
I think the problem is that dratted NHS campaign a couple of years back saying that any cough lasting over 3 weeks needed to be investigated. That was all over the TV back when I was really bad, and when my husband had a bad cough for ten days I landed up practically psychotic from fear on his behalf - it's one of only a couple of times in my life when the HA's been so bad I couldn't work.

17-01-20, 22:06
I think the problem is that dratted NHS campaign a couple of years back saying that any cough lasting over 3 weeks needed to be investigated. That was all over the TV back when I was really bad, and when my husband had a bad cough for ten days I landed up practically psychotic from fear on his behalf - it's one of only a couple of times in my life when the HA's been so bad I couldn't work.

Heh. My now-retired GP (whom I miss greatly) once said to me that more often than not these campaigns tend to attract the "worried well" whilst simultaneously failing to gain the attention of those it should do!

If it is of any consolation to the OP, there's certainly an unpleasant virus going around in the UK at the moment that has you coughing so much you feel like you will cough your lungs up - it leaves you aching something terrible and as a friend of mine so eloquently put it, you then start coughing up what looks like stewed rhubarb! It does pass after a week or so, but expect a few sleepless nights.