View Full Version : All over body itching and no rash

13-01-20, 07:00
Hi everyone. Really freaking out. A week or so ago my body started to feel really itchy. No rash or anything but just random itches literally all over my body from head to toe. I'd scratch one place and then an itch would come up somewhere else. Thought it could be an allergy to something but I took a antihistamine and no relief. Then the itching just suddenly went away after a couple of days.

However, yesterday it came back. Really not sure what to do. I will see my GP but I am terrified about lymphoma or HIV as it seems to be a possibility for both of these. All the websites I've read seem to suggest itching WITH NO RASH is potentially quite serious as is reflecting an underlying disease?

The itching is not so bad that it keeps me awake at night -- and it is worst when I think about it (when I am pre-occupied with something else it is not so bad). However, I'm pretty sure this cannot just be stress as it doesn't really seem to coincide with my most stressful/anxious moments.

I also woke up in the night sweaty and hot a few times, so I am terrified I am having night sweats too. Again, lymphoma and HIV are top of my worry list for these symptoms.

Anyone have any words that could calm me down before I can see a doctor?

13-01-20, 07:11
I get this now and then and mine is caused by the cold weather. It's called the winter itch and is a real phenomenon. When mine flares up I start taking cooler showers and mousturise. If its really bothersome I take an antihistamine. If its worrying talk to your GP but itching is rarely a sign of something serious.

13-01-20, 12:57
Thanks so much. I don’t think it’s that as it started when I was abroad in a hot country and has now come back when I’m home. So does not seem to be weather dependent. I’m trying to tell myself that if it was something really serious it wouldn’t have gone and then come back again but I’m really struggling as it seems to shout Hodgkins Lymphoma when I couple it with the night sweats. I also have a spot on the back of my head (occipital lymph node???) which is scaring me too. It’s like an acne spot so not sure if that could be an enlarged lymph node or not, but it’s been there 3 weeks now.

13-01-20, 14:48
It probably makes more sense then if you've been abroad and back again the change in temperatures will have an effect on your skin definitely - especially if you caught the sun? I can't comment on the night sweats other than I've had them before when there was no other cause but anxiety. Again I can't comment on the spot but you may just be looking for stuff now.

14-01-20, 13:43
So I saw my GP today and now I am more scared than before. He came across very concerned and ordered me lots of blood tests and said we need another appointment in 2 weeks. I mentioned my concern about lymphoma/hodgkins and he agreed it is a possibility with these symptoms and did nothing to try and calm me down. I even mentioned I am anxious and have health anxiety and he didn't even acknowledge it and just nodded. I am literally so worried right now; no idea how I will get through the next 2 weeks.

14-01-20, 23:40
Breath you lived through the past 2 weeks and i am sure you will live the next two weeks.

Now chill these are routine bloods but so what if they are negative couple tablets at worst 1 a day and youll be summer ready.

Dont forget the sun cream.

23-01-20, 13:10
Just to update on this, the itching has subsided and I can see that my CBC/FBC blood test results are all "in range".

However, last night I had a DRENCHING night sweat - I've never experienced anything like this before; my sheets were soaked through and I was dripping wet.

So now I am back to my lymphoma/cancer worries. Will see my GP on Monday and report back.

23-01-20, 20:52
That's really good to hear. I think you're fine if your CBC was in range.

04-02-20, 23:22
I’ve been having mild night sweats as well. What came out of this? Did you find a cause?

27-02-20, 18:15
how was the follow up with your doctor?