View Full Version : Hi im new too.

01-10-07, 13:42
Hi my name is Lizzie and i am 17. It feels quite strange coming on here since i kind of feel like my problems arent half as bad as most of the people here. I have always been quite an nervous and anxious person especially when it comes to embarassment and travel. I don't think i have actually had proper panic attacks but i have been warned by my dad (who has had his own experiences) that if i let my nervousness and anxiety multiply things will keep going downhill.

Nothing major has really been happening until a few months ago. It was my 17th birthday and my boyfriend had secretly arranged a trip to london to see a stage show of a film i love. I didnt really think about the trip until the day we were meant to be going. I felt nervous the morning we were going to set off but i dismissed it as normal excited worrying. Then everything was fine until we got into the coach station. I started feeling quite clammy, closed in and had trouble focusing on things around me. But i managed to brush this off my distracting myself. I started to feel really anxious as we were getting onto the coach and finding some seats. I sat there for about five minutes worrying about travelling then gave in and had to get off the coach. All i could think was "i dont want to be here. i feel really uncomfortable. i must get off and get my mum." So me and my boyfriend got off the bus and i sat in the station in tears while i waited for my mum. As soon as she was there i felt safe.

The second time was to do with traveling too. We were all set to go on a family holiday in cornwal and the day we were set to travel kind of snuck up on me as it had done with the trip to london. I didnt really know why i was worried about going on holiday but i couldnt get myself to get into the car and instead sat in the bathroom crying to my mum that i didnt want to go. I did end up going on holiday but only because my mum almost dragged me into the car.

My problems have been worse lately though. Again i was all set to go on a trip, this time only to a close by theme park on a school reward trip. As soon as i got to school where we were meant to get on the busses i felt sick, light headed and felt i needed the loo. I tried distracting myself and thinking that everything will be fine and that ive been before so there is nothing to worry about but i got so fed up of trying to convince myself to go and feeling worried that i just went home instead. And now because that incident happened at school i have assosiated those feelings with school and have been unable to go out of the door for school for the past three weeks apart from 3 days where my mum has taken me in the car and helped me calm down. My other worries about school are about embarassment. i worry that im not as clever as other people and keep quiet in lessons instead of contributing in fear of being wrong. I also have a strange dislike of using public toilets if other people know im there so i tend to be uncomfortable most of the day.

Since i havent been at school the work i need to catch up on has been bogging me down and making me worry even more. I have recently been given beta-blockers on the smallest dosage avaliable (10mg- two tablets 3 times a day when needed) but they dont seem to be helping so i am due to see the doctor again later this week. The first time i went to see the doctor was after i couldnt go on the school trip and i was told that im a a funny age when it came to getting someone to talk to and to help me because i dont fit in the children to 16 group or the 18+ groups...i dont know if this is true or if he just thought "ah she's just a bit anxious give her some low dosage beta-blockers and she's be fine."

Like i said i dont really feel like my problems are very significant after reading about other people's problems and even that makes me worry about posting this incase everyone thinks im a stupid teen with no real problems that just wants to complain when other people are really in need. But thanks for listening anyway.

Thanks, Lizzie.:blush:

PS sorry its soo long

01-10-07, 13:59
:welcome: Lizzie:welcome:

Hope that you have a great time here at NMP. There are lots of great people here and you can make a lot of friends. There is always somebody around to talk with when you are down.

Please don't feel silly, we all have our problems big or small. That's why this site was made.

Take Care

01-10-07, 14:49
Hi Lizzie and welcome to no panic:yesyes: :yesyes: You will get lots of support here and friendly advise.:hugs: :hugs:

01-10-07, 15:09

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

01-10-07, 16:41
Hi Lizzie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

01-10-07, 16:48
Hi Lizzie

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Make sure you check out the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages also that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page.:)


01-10-07, 17:01
Hi Lizzie and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. There is nothing silly about your problems at all and we all worry about different things.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-10-07, 19:45
Hi Lizzie

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

01-10-07, 20:47
hello lizzie and welcome im sure you will find out everything you need to know on here. everybody is lovely, take care x

01-10-07, 21:12
Hello Lizzie:welcome:to you!

Now, you are as important as any of us here - and your problems and difficulties are of no less significance.

My goodness, you could be writing about me when I was at school!:ohmy:

But, you'll find plenty of help and support here - we're all very pleased to meet you!


02-10-07, 00:09
Hi Lizzie,

Welcome to NMP. There are others here who feel exactly how you do and you will get a lot of support. By the way, no problems are too small or too big.



03-10-07, 12:29
Hello Lizzie And Welcome To The Site..wish Ya The Best..........linda