View Full Version : I need therapy, but having problems.

15-01-20, 18:15
I know I need therapy. This has been going on for 6 plus years now. I am spiraling as one of my sorority sisters just had bc come back and Breast Cancer is what started this to begin with. I am constantly feeling for lumps and petrified to get a screening mammo for fear it will find something OR miss something. My 7 year old asked why I touch my breasts all of the time. I also fear my children getting brain tumors or sarcomas. I fear OC, PC, and brain tumors too, but breast cancer is my biggie. My husband says he can feel my anxiety across the room. I went to therapy last week. We were not 10 minutes into the session when the counselor suggested I get my doctor to put me on meds. I thought that it was therapy first then possibly meds, if it is not working. Meds scare me and I just started tuning out. How do you find a therapist? Have you gone through multiple ones? My insurance only covers a few in my area, but I suppose I will pay out of pocket if I have to. I am losing time with work, I am constantly checking, and basically just planning my death while my life is passing me by. Any guidance is much appreciated.

15-01-20, 18:20
I would definitely try another therapist if you feel this one is a bad fit. Say from the beginning that while you aren't opposed to medication you would prefer to try therapy for a few sessions before turning that that. I was in a deep, deep hole of anxiety when I started therapy and thought for sure I'd need meds, but I didn't. I spent the first few sessions basically just crying hysterically and over time I got better and better. Were you seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist?

15-01-20, 18:32
I would definitely try another therapist if you feel this one is a bad fit. Say from the beginning that while you aren't opposed to medication you would prefer to try therapy for a few sessions before turning that that. I was in a deep, deep hole of anxiety when I started therapy and thought for sure I'd need meds, but I didn't. I spent the first few sessions basically just crying hysterically and over time I got better and better. Were you seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist?

Erin, that makes me feel better. I am in a bad, bad, bad place. I did basically start crying from the moment he asked what was going on. He was a psychologist and I was just taken aback that he asked me to ask my doctor for meds. And, the big meds too (I think benzos or something like that). He gave me a breathing exercise and explained some about how the brain works, but otherwise, I left feeling the same, if not more confused, when I came in. I hope I can get better. I want to believe I can.

15-01-20, 19:05
I am in, or have been in, a similar place. I have taken medications on and off, but would prefer not to take them. I do find that things get better if i get a TON of exercise. Not necessarily super strenuous, but walk outdoors, walk my dogs, walk on the treadmill, yoga, stretching. Recently I was unable to exercise due to some other diagnosed health issues, and my health anxiety went totally out of control. If I had not been able to resume exercise, I would have started meds- because I have three kids, not present with them, making my spouse crazy, constant checking (also my breasts recently), constant doctors appointments. It is a hard call on the meds. As far as therapy, I do have a great therapist, but she deals more with my trauma issues and is not as helpful with the health anxiety stuff.

15-01-20, 19:29
Sometimes medication is useful to get to a stable enough place for therapy to be effective. If your anxious mind is in overdrive, it’s hard to conceptualize and use the therapeutic techniques being administered.

15-01-20, 23:24
Sometimes medication is useful to get to a stable enough place for therapy to be effective. If your anxious mind is in overdrive, it’s hard to conceptualize and use the therapeutic techniques being administered.

This statement is so incredibly accurate. Medication plays a pivotal role in getting someone to a place where they can actually practice what is being discussed in therapy. I would also suggest not going to a psychologist, rather go to an LCSW. Your discussion will be less about the science and more about what you can do about it.

Best Wishes