View Full Version : Is this common with health anxiety?

15-01-20, 18:55
Is it normal to have an unhealthy fear of death if you have health anxiety? It's really effecting my life ever since my health anxiety started to happen after my mother passed in 2012. I'm just so scared of dying, I don't feel it's worth doing or enjoying anything. I have a hard time expressing my feelings, so I'll try to express this as best as I can. As an example, doing things that I enjoy seem pointless since one day I won't get to enjoy it again one day? And that thought sends me into a depression and I become too scared to do anything. I also want to work out, but I lack the motivation, even though being healthy should be enough motivation. Is this a common feeling to have with health anxiety? Also with working out, I have that classic health anxiety fear of heart issues happening, even though I got tested not too long ago and my blood work came back normal. If anything was wrong (heart issues, cancers, blot clots, ect) my doctor would have seen something in my blood, yeah? I don't have anyone to talk to about this stuff, so I've been kinda keeping it to myself and it's just festering in my head making everything worse. I apologize if this is too long. Anyways, is this common? If so, how does someone get past this and enjoy life and what it has to give? I really want to move past this mess. Thanks in advance.

15-01-20, 19:27
Yes it is common of course. Read my signature though

15-01-20, 19:32
Is it normal to have an unhealthy fear of death if you have health anxiety?

Yes, it is 'normal' in many/most with HA, though not a good way to live - obviously ! I started with my HA when I was very young, 12 years old, and at that time my doctor told me it was a fear of death that was the root of it. I haven't got time right now to give further advice but didn't want to read and run - hopefully some others will be along shortly with some suggestions on ways to tackle things.

Pearly queen
15-01-20, 19:47
I totally understand this feeling. It takes a lot of effort to force yourself to do things when it seems pointless. Take small steps everyday. So go for a walk in the park or treat yourself to coffee in a nice coffee shop with a cosy book, volunteer, go to one yoga / fitness class or watch a feel good movie. Anything that takes you out of spending too much time in your own head space. I highly recommend volunteer work as it forces you to interact with a wide range of people and everyone has a story to tell or a life experience that can make you see the wider picture.

It can still be a struggle sometimes but the busier you are the less time you have to dwell on health anxiety.

15-01-20, 21:53
Is it normal to have an unhealthy fear of death if you have health anxiety?

Yes, absolutely it is.