View Full Version : High leukocytes in urine sample

always scared1234
12-01-20, 20:36
Hello! I have had a fear of pancreatic cancer off and on for about 6 years now. In that time frame, I’ve had two friends get diagnosed with PC and die. I am only 39. Both of my friends were older than me but still under the average age (42, 55).

I hadn’t had this fear pop up for about 2 years but then it came back this December due to the same symptoms (abdominal burning, pain in ribs, lump in throat, occasional loose bowels, occasional floating stools, back pain that comes and goes, etc).
I had blood work done but it was about 10 months ago, just during my normal physical. I had a scope done about 2 years ago and was DX with hiatal hernia, bile reflux in my stomach, and possible celiac. I went through the normal symptoms on my left side and they finally started to subside. I felt some relief.
But now, I’m having the same pains on my RIGHT side. It honestly feels like it’s on top of my ribs, not under. But, I also worry that maybe it’s my liver? Maybe PC that’s spread to my liver? Or liver cancer? I also had a dream about having hip pain and it meaning cancer. Next day, hip pain on the right side. It’s not constant but it’s there. Sometimes it’s under my hip bone and sometimes it’s my actual hip bone. This has been for about 2 weeks now.
I know nobody here can provide a DX or anything like that. But, I’d love to hear from others that have had this experience and what it ended up being. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

12-01-20, 23:37
If you had metastatic PC, you wouldn't be posting on a forum. You'd be severely Ill. PC is fast, nasty, and you would know something was really wrong

It sounds like you have typical reflux

always scared1234
13-01-20, 04:29
If you had metastatic PC, you wouldn't be posting on a forum. You'd be severely Ill. PC is fast, nasty, and you would know something was really wrong

It sounds like you have typical reflux

Thank you for your insight. I guess I’m more concerned about what could be causing the pain on my right side now. I know the liver is in that area. It can’t be my gallbladder because I’ve had it removed. The pain I’m getting down by my hip is more like a little pinch and then it goes away. Sometimes I get a pain in my very lower abdomen to the left of my hip. I’m
Not used to having pains on my right side.
I had a dream that if I had hip pain, to not dismiss it because it would mean cancer and then the next day, when I wasn’t even thinking of the dream, I got hip pain!

13-01-20, 19:46
I've had pains on my right side for over 15 years now. Had batteries of tests, ultrasound, ecg, etc.

I'm no closer now to knowing what it is. I've just put it down to one of those things. The body is a funny thing. I just let it get on with it now

14-01-20, 01:09
Wilky I thought you had a diagnosis of chostochondritis some time ago.

AS1234- maybe you could get checked for that? Best wishes.

14-01-20, 17:45
I have indeed suffered from chostocondritis. This is more central and further down!!

always scared1234
14-01-20, 22:35
Thank you for all the responses to my questions! It’s appreciated.
However.... I am now even more concerned about my right side. Maybe I’m moving past the PC fear? I have had this pain in my right lower abdomen, close to the hip area. It comes and goes. Sometimes I feel it in my back. Any insight?
Here are my fears...
I’m 39 years old, female
1. PC cancer that has spread (but been told by others I’d be more sick?!)
2. Liver cancer (or PC cancer that’s in the liver)
3. Ovarian Cancer (due to the area of pain)
4. Kidney Cancer (not sure my pains are in the correct spot)

Any insight in my symptoms and these concerns? It’s more of a pinching pain. Sometimes kind of sharp, not always. I have a dr appt scheduled but it’s over a week away! I have taken ibuprofen for this, hoping it was muscular and pain would go away. It hasn’t completely taken it away. I also had a chiropractic adjustment yesterday. I did have some ribs that had moved so maybe that’s the cause of my sight aided rib pain because it feels more superficial versus under the ribs and deep. Sometimes I get more deep pains in my upper abdomen and back, but not always.

Thoughts are welcome!!

14-01-20, 23:59
I really don’t think anyone is going to be able to offer much in the way in regards to your symptoms. If you have concerns about your health or any symptoms you are experiencing, your best bet would be to make an appointment with your primary and go over it with them.
Just because you are experiencing some pain doesn’t mean there is anything sinister going on. Pain is common and non specific, pain does not always equal “cancer”. I’m no doctor but I think it may be beneficial to treat your anxiety if your not already. Definitely get your concerns checked out but also work on your anxiety.

always scared1234
16-01-20, 00:20
Hello! I had posted a few days ago about my pancreatic cancer fear and how that seems to have faded (hopefully!). I posted that I was now having lower abdominal pain and hip pain on the right side. I can not get into my doctor for over a week.
Today, hoping maybe this was a UTI, decided to do the at home urine test for UTI while waiting for my dr appointment.
It came back as high level of leukocytes but not nitrates. When I googled that, of course pelvic tumor, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer came back. Now I’m especially worried about that pain. I know nobody can diagnose, but it helps to write it all out and that’s what I posted.
These are my latest fears and they are looking pretty warranted...

Gary A
16-01-20, 00:45
Hello! I had posted a few days ago about my pancreatic cancer fear and how that seems to have faded (hopefully!). I posted that I was now having lower abdominal pain and hip pain on the right side. I can not get into my doctor for over a week.
Today, hoping maybe this was a UTI, decided to do the at home urine test for UTI while waiting for my dr appointment.
It came back as high level of leukocytes but not nitrates. When I googled that, of course pelvic tumor, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer came back. Now I’m especially worried about that pain. I know nobody can diagnose, but it helps to write it all out and that’s what I posted.
These are my latest fears and they are looking pretty warranted...

No, your fears aren’t looking “pretty warranted...” at all actually. The chances are you’ve got a bit of an infection in your urinary tract and you need to eat more greens.

See your doctor, but I think you’re jumping the gun quite a bit here, to put it mildly.

always scared1234
16-01-20, 16:12
I would love for all of this to be attributed to something as easy as UTI issues. My doctor, who wasn’t available for another week, has decided I now need to come in today and rule out the UTI. Apparently my symptoms and the OTC test are saying it’s probably not the uti I was hoping for.
I retested this AM, per instructions on the OTC kit. The leukocyte was just a trace this morning and nitrate was still negative. Ugh! Was really hoping this was all just UTI issues and nothing more. :(

16-01-20, 16:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


17-01-20, 00:28
See your not a doctor nor a medical professional and so you shouldn’t be trying to diagnose yourself. I got a feeling that no matter what anyone tells you on here your still gonna say “but I’m sure all this points to some type of cancer” because that’s the nature of health anxiety. Go to the doctor and have your urine tested, those at home testing strips are not always accurate and you still may have an infection, because bacteria don't always change nitrates into nitrites. I’m sure the dr wanted you to come in and be tested for a UTI so that if you had one you can start antibiotics right away not because he or she feels you have some sort of cancer.

17-01-20, 02:26
You should def go get tested by your doctor. I have the same fears, but once I seen my primary and had everything checked, I felt better. Because everything came back okay. UTI's are very common in women. I get them sometimes myself. The pain is when you pee usually. It can also feel like a dull pain in your upper abdomen. If that's the case, stop drinking any soda or sugary drinks and get you some cranberry pills and drink a lot of water. It might clear out if it's not too bad. If it's bad, you will need some antibiotics. So either way, you should see your doctor and tell them everything you're feeling and thinking. It does help in a way.