View Full Version : Headaches

01-10-07, 15:42
I decided to defer my place at uni due to my daughter not settling at all, I went the first 2 days but couldn't forget my daughter begging me not to leave her at nursery and in the end I spoke to my tutor and told her my situation and now ive been able to defer for 12 months.

Last monday I had a horrible headache, all down the back, crown and forehead at times. It eased off after a day or so but then friday it was back, I had done ALOT of crying and stressing trying to come to a decision about whether to defer or not, my tutor gave me until today to decide so it wasn't a nice week.

Since friday ive had a feeling of pressure on the crown of my head, sometimes it goes into my forehead but its mainly on the crown, down the back and in my ears. Even my shoulders hurt today which I know it typical of a tension headache but I have never had a tension headache affect the crown of my head or forehead. I don't have a cold so I don't think its sinus related.

Of course I am a teeny bit concerned thinking brain tumour or bleed, even though I know id have other symptoms and headaches are usually the last symptom.

I am taking paracetamol but it doesn't touch it. Its not a hammering type pain its more of a feeling of extreme tightness or like my head is full of cotton wool?? last night i even had shooting pains down the back of my head and ears at times.

Last 2 days the tip of my finger on my right hand keeps feeling cold at times, its wierd like its just going very cold then a few seconds later it feels normal??? I did jet wash my car on the weekend and its been abit wierd since then so many its a strain, lol!

I hate headaches they always worry me. What do you think?

01-10-07, 19:57
Are you dehydrated at all?

01-10-07, 20:05
I didn't drink much last week but ive been drinking abit more today.

I am just worried, my head feels all tight and pulsing abit.

05-10-07, 00:40
Hello Cherry,
I've just realised why I think you had this headache but I'm Sure it's Nothing to worry about because I get them too! Sometimes I think it helps to understand why symptoms happen.

You said..."Since friday ive had a feeling of pressure on the crown of my head, sometimes it goes into my forehead but its mainly on the crown, down the back and in my ears. Even my shoulders hurt today which I know it typical of a tension headache but I have never had a tension headache affect the crown of my head or forehead.

I asked my doctor why I was getting these headaches. I suspect what's happened without you realising is you've been clenching your teeth. We often clench our teeth when we're under stress. This puts pressure on our jaw which then spreads up to the ears and forehead, over the head and down to the shoulders.
This often happens when one side of the jaw is lower than the other so we clench on the side that's higher which creates the pressure. We often do a lot of clenching in our sleep so by the morning we get the headaches.
The techincal term for it is "TMJ" I think. My dentist gave me a gumshield to wear at night. It takes the pressure off.

Also when we're tense, all our muscles tense up too. I can remember going for a medical which I was nervous about and the doctor told me to relax because all he could hear were my muscles creaking!!!
A regular good massage can iron out all the creaks, literally, because they unknot them!

One last thing. The more we worry about a headache, the more we tense ourselves up and clench our teeth, so the more the headache won't go. Try to get a cat nap listening to soothing music or try meditation.:hugs: It sounds to me like you maybe under a lot of stress. You need to find a method that helps you to relax.

05-10-07, 15:43
Thanks so much Bill, your reply has made alot of tense and I feel much better today:-)

I do suffer from TMJ, my dr has told me several times that is what causes my ear pains.

Thanks again.