View Full Version : Sudden bursts of Panic

01-10-07, 16:12
Hi there,

Just sitting here at work and earlier i had a sudden rush of intense panic.

Pain in Arm/ Chest / Felt lightheaded and really frightened.

Why does it keep doing this?

It's almost like my mind is attacking me.

I was really positive over the weekend and was all set to start on a fitness regime and be positive and now i feel like i have been knocked for 6!

Does anyone else get this?

Paul x

01-10-07, 16:17
Hi Paul

I get this all the time.

I can be doing something, not even feeling anxious or anything and then out of nowhere the panic just hits me. This is the worse thing about panic.

If you were really stressed about something - then you could at least expect to feel panicky - but not when you are calm/distracted.

It is so frightening.

Take care x

01-10-07, 17:02
Hi Paul,

Yes I get the same thing, it's the typical panic attack. An they can or will come on from no where.I have the same systoms. Did you do any breathing exercises? or relaxation exercises? These both will help calm you back down.

It's great that you had since a good weekend, you can do it again. Hang in there. The exercise will also help you alot.Keep the positive attitude it will help you alot. Don't let this knock you back down. Get back on and fight, you can win this battle.

Hope that this has helped you.:hugs:
Take Care Believe

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better !

Big Bird
01-10-07, 18:07

Very similar circumstances for me this weekend.
I think I have taken no half measures in leading up my eventual breakdown which resulted in a hospiutal visit, much panic and terror and my subsequent efforts in rehabilitation.
I had the warning noises as I was just doing far too much. Getting married abroad, Moving house, Heavy workload, my son leaving home....the list goes on and I didn't heed the warning signs.
I collapsed in a heap on July 13th and fortunately I was with a friend who took me to A&E and as I have seen through so many of peoples stories; it turned out to be a bad panic attack!. It was so frightening!! I thought I was having some form of stroke etc and as I had never suffered illness of any significant measure one can only guess the effect it had upon me.
That said; I am a fighter and I have studied and studied....I have changed my whole lifestyle around to suit MY needs now and it has taken ten weeks so far into what will undoubtedly be a long journey.During this I threw away the medication and decided to meet it head on. It has been tough but it going to reward me. I know it.
I will not give in to this horrible but manageble cycle of attacks and I remain positive even though I have suffered badly over this last weekend after so many good days prior to this.
Beleive me as you must everyone here who says, 'you can conquer this'!!! You can and you will.
Be positive my friend and you will find your way forward.



02-10-07, 21:41
Hi there

I used to get this, but not so often now. I think I used to subconsciously be looking/waiting for symptoms. I didn't want it, but was so scared I would have PA that the slightest feeling would make me anxious.

It could be a pain in my arm, butterflies in my stomach, anything really. Things I realise that everyone feels now and again in life. But I used to think oh no, here comes the panic, I'll get worse any minute... Of course that would bring on the anxiety, because a lot of the symptoms we recognise are caused by adrenaline. Our brain doesnt realise what is a real threat and what isn't.

I learned to approach it the opposite way. I'm quite stubborn so I used to say to myself: ok panic, I suppose you think you're going to sneak up on me now but I'm not listening... So there! I would try to distract myself by chatting with someone else, having a drink of water, putting on the radio, or doing some relaxation breathing (which is something you can do discreetly if you're out somewhere).

Of course I do have a strange sense of humour - so the thought of ignoring the panic and telling it you're not listening may not work for you... but distraction is great therapy for most people, and the breathing helps relax tension in your body which is definitely a good thing!

Hope this helps.

03-10-07, 07:16
Thank you so much for your help and advice :-) xxx