View Full Version : Pinkish saliva

17-01-20, 13:05
So the past couple of days I've been (seemingly randomly) spitting up fairly pale pinkish saliva...no definite streaks of blood, just kind of a pinky / salmony colour. I'm not coughing it up at all, it just seems to be coming from my mouth, but what did freak me out a little was that I spat some up after doing some pushups after a whole day of clear saliva. Once again, no coughing, just straight out of my mouth. I have been having some issues with what I think is post nasal drip for quite a few months, and I'm currently I'm Malaysia, which means I'm being exposed to lots of air conditioning, which I know can dry out the throat. I was just wondering if anyone else has had something like this, and what it might be?