View Full Version : Anxiety in chest

17-01-20, 16:36
Sorry. Didnt know what to make the title. I have anxiety. I wont even try to deny it. I have had blood work, seen a cardiologist, two actually, and physically speaking I'm healthy. I have been on a borth control pill that has made my anxiety worse. Actually causing me to have panic attacks to the point I think I'm going to have a heart attack and cry because I think I'm going to die. Needless to say, I stopped the pill yesterday. But I cant shake the feeling in my chest. It's where I feel my anxiety the most and I hate it. It's right below my sternum in the center of my chest and back. It feels like a bowling ball made of lava and static. I cant get rid of it. Its Inside my body it's not something I can rub or stretch away. Deep breaths dont help. I dont even know what I'm asking for or saying. I just need to get rid of this feeling! Any advice?