View Full Version : weird doctor i dont fully trust

17-01-20, 17:51
hi everyone!

i just saw my new doctor today. he was alright, but there was something about him that i didnt like at all.
he kept telling me i was overweight (which i am, i know this) and at one point he tried to sell us his weight loss plan with all this stuff for 300 dollars. he pushed a little but afterwards didnt talk about it much.
he was very pedantic with his answers to my questions, never really giving me a straight answer
luckily through the test he did say he couldnt find anything wrong with me other than my weight.
im still fixated on him trying to sell this stuff to me, though.
my anxiety is through the roof honestly. i was also given an antibiotic shot for my ear which im afraid of rn too.

any advice? should i go see another doc? im also waiting on blood test results as well.

17-01-20, 18:49
Okay, time to talk turkey because you're at a fork in the road here.

Option #1: Believe the trained professional and get on with your life.

Option #2: Decide that no, you want to pursue this further and carry on identifying as physically ill.

I know you, I know you're a really nice person but you need to find something that gets you out of the house and out of the inside of your own head. Work, volunteering, college, anything but sitting home and stewing.

There's another user on here with a similar life to yours and (I think) the longest thread on here. Please start taking positive action so you don't land up competing for his record?

Oh, and antibiotics have side effects but they're still way better than having an ear infection.

23-01-20, 09:12
hi bluey,

i understand, i don't want to keep on freaking out about potential issues much longer. it's already become unbearable and i think im reaching that point where im just too emotionally exhausted to care about it.
i've been having a flare up with it so i've been isolating myself unintentionally. i just hate the physical symptoms that come with it, and how they seem to linger even when i'm not particularly anxious.
i don't want to be "that poster" you know? i swore to myself no matter how bad things got i wouldn't become that person,
but i feel like im on track.
i havent talked to my mom about a therapist much because she's always busy and keeps telling me "i'm doing the best i can right now, be patient"
i want to take it into my own hands but i don't think she'll allow me. im on everyone elses time because i cant drive and dont have a car of my own.
i promise that this isnt the person i usually am. im trying to find things to help distract me during the day, like drawing
i just want to feel okay again

23-01-20, 09:21
I know, and I know it's tough. However, doing nothing isn't going to help.

I know there are some really good CBT resources available free via this site, so maybe start working your way through those? You have to ask yourself, how much older do you have to be before you'll be able to make a positive change to your situation - either learning to drive, getting a job or moving out?