View Full Version : Too much focus on thoughts/feelings

20-01-20, 09:14
Hey all,

I'm wondering if anyone of you is experiencing the same symptoms. I'm pretty sure that anxiety is a problem about internal focus, if you don't focus on the symptoms you won't be so scared. It's the case with physical symptoms but with mental symptoms as well. I've pretty well managed the focus on physical symptoms, but the mental symptoms is where I'm struggling with nowadays.

I do have kind of fear of depression, and for example: I woke up today and I not felt great. Didn't had a great night and started ruminating and my fear was increasing. Now i'm rationalizing it and I conclude to myself: In the past, I used to wake up badly, but I wasn't worried about that! After all, it was Monday morning and starting work again after a weekend is never 'really fun', is it? I think I just pay too much attention to the symptoms of depression, which makes me feel sad/scared.

Is anyone experiencing the same or have any advice?
