View Full Version : Loss of appetite

20-01-20, 12:26
For the last few months I haven’t been able to eat properly. I feel hungry but I just have no interest in eating, my appetite is completely gone. It’s worse when I’m anxious but I don’t even have to be anxious and I still have barely any appetite.

I pretty much have to force myself to eat now because it feels like the most boring thing ever. I was very much a comfort eating before this so it’s really odd not to enjoy food anymore. I just fill up on water/drinks now.

Anyone else that’s been through this got some tips on how I can start eating more again? I haven’t really lost weight (maybe a little not sure as I don’t own scales) as I drink sugary drinks a lot but I wanna be eating properly.

20-01-20, 14:13
Honestly the best thing I’ve found is to either have more smaller meals or just to keep forcing myself to eat the meals. If you’re feeling hunger that’s a really good first step, most of the time I don’t get hungry so it’s a little different for me.

Positive vibes,


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20-01-20, 17:28
I really don't think it's worth concerning yourself with unless you're losing too much weight. I'd be more concerned about the sugary drinks. Cutting those out may improve your 'real' hunger.