View Full Version : Hi - My Health Anxiety - hope this helps you!

20-01-20, 17:10

Brand new to the site but been reading it for years - mostly to put my mind at rest for the plethora of imaginary illnesses I’ve had the last 6/7 years.

I think my Health Anxiety first emerged when I became a father. I don’t recall ever ‘body bothering’ before that and I’m sure it kicked in as my responsibility as a father kicked in and those fearful thoughts of contracting something that meant I wasn’t around to see my child (now children - we’ve had another since!) grow up.

I’ve ‘had’ every illness going. Not really sure what the usual trigger is to have a HA attack. The latest one I’ve just, today, emerged from but this has felt like the worst. I injured my back on New Year’s Eve a simple muscle strain that took the thick end of 10 days to recover from, but when it didn’t clear within 3 days I turned to google. Don’t you just hate google? The actual worst source of symptom checking there is. It pointed to muscle strain - but of course, that wasn’t good enough for me. I looked deeper and found it was symptom of testicular cancer I spent a good evening prodding and pocking my nether regions. Once I’d satisfied myself it wasn’t that I moved onto Prostate cancer, I read that it can spread to bones around your spine and hip and, OF COURSE, my back pain was radiating into my hip so it MUST be that. That faded and then things took a darker turn, I decided I had Motor Neurone disease as that makes muscles still...and they were...! So it MUST BE THAT ! I had images of my wife feeding me with a straw and my kids seeing their dad as a shadow of a man laid up in bed wasting away - I got into a real dark place for a few days. Insular, Constantly Googling, looking up statistics, trying to disprove those statistics - really horrible stuff. I should add that the last 5 months I’ve lost 2 stone through a great new diet and running 3 times a week. I started to put this down to cancer and not the fact I’d worked really hard getting fit. Totally crazy.

The MND stuff faded because I decided I could walk on my tip toes so therefore it can’t be that, but as the back pain remained I continued to rely on my friend Dr Google to diagnose me. In the past week I’ve been fairly certain I’ve got Bowel Cancer - ignore the 12 males out of 100,000 stat in my favour (I’m 39 years old) ignoring the fact this was as likely as being involved in a fatal car accident and was adamant it was that. I had it abdominal pain (the back pain had disappeared and had the odd colicky discomfort in the stomach which now I put down purely fo worry) I had loose bowels (again, worry related) and I even (look away how) forensically inspecting my poo for traces of blood (none found - surprise surprise)

Today I made a breakthrough and I can feel the spectre of HA leaving me until it bangs my door again later in the year. Anyone that can recommend anything I can do to avoid a revisit I’d appreciate it, maybe it’s just posting on here that might help my assimilate in my head that this is a mental health condition rather than any serious illness.

Hope this helps people


20-01-20, 17:16
Hiya Villa07 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: