View Full Version : Am I just being irrational? (Worried about blood clots and seizures)

20-01-20, 18:01
So Ive recently come out of hospital after being in over 2 weeks with Preeclampsia I had to be induced and have my son prematurely (he has now been discharged from scbu and is doing amazing since getting home)
The whole time I was there they were worried I would start to have seizures and suffer with blood clots (was on 17 meds for BP and fragmin injections for BC) now I'm home I've run out of the fragmin which i was told i would be on for 6 weeks, ive tried calling the hospital and the drs to get these prescribed but the drs cant without the discharge notes and the hospital are busy constantly I'm also running out of the medication for my BP
I'm now panicking that I'm going to get a blood clot or have a seizure =/
Not sure if im being dramatic by stressing about it so much i dont feel unwell at all =/
I dont know if ive just been set off by how poorly ive been lately?
As dark as it sounds ive always believed i would die before my 30th and i turn 30 in less than a month its probably just bad timing with all the health scares ive had lately.

Not even sure what im after with this post. I guess I just need someone to tell me I'm being crazy

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20-01-20, 19:01
You’ve been through a very stressful time and you’re still in the middle of it - and you have a new baby to look after!
I’m sure your discharge team aren’t too busy to see you in reality - although I’m also sure they are very busy. Could you speak to your health visitor or midwife to see if they can help?

20-01-20, 19:23
I have an appointment with the midwife and hv on weds. I will try the hospital again tomorrow to see if they can resend my discharge notes over.
Think its just set me off a little =/

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20-01-20, 20:07
Could you nip in to the hospital at all, or could someone go for you?

20-01-20, 20:48
The hospital I was at is in a different town to me and I dont drive but ill keep calling them xx

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20-01-20, 20:58
I'm not surprised you feel stressed about it, a difficult time at the end of pregnancy a premature baby to look after and medics that can't get their arses together and get your notes to your GP in time for a prescription that you need. I'm sorry I don't know either of these meds at all, so can't comment on your fear - but I don't understand why your doctor's surgery isn't doing the running round on your behalf as a matter of urgency ? It seems very remiss, as they could make more urgent and easier contact with a hospital consultant. Well, that wasn't very helpful a reply I've made to you - but I was wondering if they might be the route to push in ? Maybe call them too and tell them how upset you are about it, and how urgently you need this prescription.

20-01-20, 21:08
The drs did say they would chase it up and to call today but then i was told they hadnt got the discharge notes and it seems theyve given up trying.
The fragmin is a blood thinning injection to stop blood clots forming I think they insisted on it because I had to have an emergency c-section I think its just procautionary but Id rather know i was following orders to avoid any complications had enough drama and hospital stays to last me for a while lol
I was given steroid injections for his lungs so although he was born at 34 weeks he didnt need much help he was only in the incubator for 3 days and had some light therapy. Hes teeny but strong =)

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20-01-20, 21:12
I will keep chasing the hospital and drs to get the fragmin just need to try not to panic and stay active.
While i was in hospital i was just fed up and now i think its hit me how sick i actually was so i just gotta climb down from that =/

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21-01-20, 06:45
Is it the injections that you have to do? I had them after an emergency csection too.
Keep trying the hospital and doctors, make a real pain of yourself if you have to.

21-01-20, 08:42
Yeah its those lovely injections.
Im gonna bug them again today hopefully they get their arses in gear

21-01-20, 21:34
How did you get on?

22-01-20, 20:12
Finally got hold of them!! The midwife came round today and called the hospital to get them sorted for me =)

22-01-20, 20:52
Oh that’s good. Thanks for letting us know.