View Full Version : Gastritis - Anyone dealing with it at the moment? Or recently?

21-01-20, 08:00
Seems like a common experience around here so I thought perhaps those going through it could check in with one another...

It seems to me anxiety can be the cause of gastritis. (And stress) The number of posts around here from the past seem to prove that.

Wondering what people have done to help move through the pain and how they got through their worst days? Everyone seems to experience it a little differently.
Some of us have burning (me) and others nausea, gnawing, etc.

Anyone out there navigating this right now?

21-01-20, 22:36
Seems like a common experience around here so I thought perhaps those going through it could check in with one another...

It seems to me anxiety can be the cause of gastritis. (And stress) The number of posts around here from the past seem to prove that.

Wondering what people have done to help move through the pain and how they got through their worst days? Everyone seems to experience it a little differently.
Some of us have burning (me) and others nausea, gnawing, etc.

Anyone out there navigating this right now?

With gastritis, it depends on what's causing it plus there are different types. If gastritis is suspected the Dr often orders an endoscopy/gastroscopy to see what's happening within the stomach. If it's caused by H-Pylori (helicobacter pylori, a bacterium) then specific treatment is needed.

PPI's are usually given to cut down the flow of excess acid while the stomach lining or an ulcer heals, these are also good if a person has reflux.

Sometimes gastritis is caused by too little stomach acid, so different medication is needed. This can happen with autoimmune gastritis and as people age.

Sometimes gastritis can be caused by delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis) so a different medication is needed.

Yes I'm sure anxiety can cause gastritis as it can interfere with digestion, acid levels etc.

So as a rule, get it checked out by a Dr first, then try some simple measures eg. cut down stress, alcohol, coffee, cocoa products, spicy food, citrus.

Things that help me are ... Slippery elm powder in warm water - a heaped tsp before meals and before bed
De-Gas tablets which disperse stomach wind (a biggie for me) and they help with nausea
Turmeric and Vitamin D
Gaviscon tablets
Eating slowly and not too much food at one time, also don't let your stomach get empty as this can aggravate things.
Good luck with it :)

22-01-20, 00:10
With gastritis...

Thank you, Wise. Very good info and I apprecaite your time and care with the answer.

I'm working on setting up a scope. I had lots of bloodwork and a barium x-ray that was clean the last time I had this. (No H-Pylori)

Like you, my stomach does better being semi-full... rather than some who say food makes them worse.

I started Slippery Elm recently, but the jury is out with that. Some days I think it helps, others not so much.

I'm somewhat curious about Aloe juice.

I'm taking Pepcid (H2 acid reducer) 2x per day right now. Hoping to avoid PPIs if possible. But, we'll see how that goes.
I just feel totally positive this has to do with stress/anxiety as it acts just like my other physical anxiety symptoms. But, we can't always keep it
subdued the way we want to. Doing my best to reduce stress.

Anyway, thank you so much for the input. Sounds like you got past your bout of gastritis. I have overcome it a couple times, but this one has been stubborn.


22-01-20, 02:10
Thank you, Wise. Very good info and I apprecaite your time and care with the answer.

I'm working on setting up a scope. I had lots of bloodwork and a barium x-ray that was clean the last time I had this. (No H-Pylori)

Like you, my stomach does better being semi-full... rather than some who say food makes them worse.

I started Slippery Elm recently, but the jury is out with that. Some days I think it helps, others not so much.

I'm somewhat curious about Aloe juice.

I'm taking Pepcid (H2 acid reducer) 2x per day right now. Hoping to avoid PPIs if possible. But, we'll see how that goes.
I just feel totally positive this has to do with stress/anxiety as it acts just like my other physical anxiety symptoms. But, we can't always keep it
subdued the way we want to. Doing my best to reduce stress.

Anyway, thank you so much for the input. Sounds like you got past your bout of gastritis. I have overcome it a couple times, but this one has been stubborn.

Sounds like you're onto it and doing the right things...I can't take PPI's and the H2's (zantac/ranitidine) have been pulled from the market due to a filler within them that may be cancerous. I don't know if Pepsid is available in New Zealand.

I've had flares of this for 30+ years due to autoimmune activity, I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The flares can last for several months then disappear for a year or more. Having an endoscopy is good because it can spot areas of inflammation, biopsy it then you get a result, which is reassuring. The stress often stops with a reassuring result.

Aloe vera is good too, I take an excellent product Bioceuticals Intestamine, it's an Australian product so is available here which has lots of natural goodies in it. I guess you could buy it online...its expensive but well worth it https://www.bioceuticals.com.au/mobile/preview/Intestamine :)

02-02-20, 16:43
Well, I had my scope this week and oddly... it showed no gastritis or ulcers. It did show a "stricture" and some GERD, but those things seem unlikely to cause the kind of pain I have.
So, is my mind creating these symptoms from thin air? With anxiety, I doubt don't anything like that. Could be. It could also be that the GERD is causing referred pain to the stomach the doctor said. But, it's confusing for sure... because my symptoms are exactly that of gastritis, and extreme at times.

Wonder if anyone else has had strong burning stomach pain they attribute solely to anxiety disorder?

29-01-21, 20:37
I have been suffering with a 'burning' digestive tract for a week now. It's extremely unpleasant and painful. I find that I am bloated a lot of the time, especially after eating but then it stays all day and feels as though the whole system is on fire. I don't want to bother a GP during this pandemic - they have enough to do - and I wonder about anxiety and if that is really the cause although I can't say I was feeling consciously anxious when it started (although I am now). I feel as though I have put on weight but the scales tell me I haven't so it is just bloating and that can be painful in itself. I am taking slippery elm and that eases it a little but it seems to come back. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it will go away soon but it's a viscious circle, isn't it? I was diagnosed with IBS c in my 20s but realise I have had it since childhood, so am used to constipation and bloating but I hate this firey feeling. Hope you find some relief soon and if you do, let me know. x

29-01-21, 20:55
I had what I called gastritis for a long time. I can still get twinges of it. I got a scope and my stomach was totally fine. Compeltely fine. Yet, the pain... burning pain was unbearable. I nearly went to ER for it on multiple occasions.

Yes, it's tied to anxiety for many. I suspect that may people have actual gastritis and don't have much pain. Whereas others (like us) can have a very very mild amount of irritation and feel massive pain. My doctor confirmed this. He's one of the best GI doctors in Los Angeles. (UCLA) He recommended a "neuro-modulator" which was a low dose anti-depressant. (The old tricyclic kind)

I did not take it, I don't want to take meds at all.

BUT... my point is... the mind can really exaggerate pain. Get a scope if you need to... make sure you're OK. But, working on anxiety is the key.
Accepting the symptoms the best we can, reducing fear, working through our emotions. Look up Dr. John Sarno and the work he's done.

I feel for anyone experiencing this. It can be totally awful. Hang in there. You can and will feel better again.

I have been suffering with a 'burning' digestive tract for a week now. It's extremely unpleasant and painful. I find that I am bloated a lot of the time, especially after eating but then it stays all day and feels as though the whole system is on fire. I don't want to bother a GP during this pandemic - they have enough to do - and I wonder about anxiety and if that is really the cause although I can't say I was feeling consciously anxious when it started (although I am now). I feel as though I have put on weight but the scales tell me I haven't so it is just bloating and that can be painful in itself. I am taking slippery elm and that eases it a little but it seems to come back. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it will go away soon but it's a viscious circle, isn't it? I was diagnosed with IBS c in my 20s but realise I have had it since childhood, so am used to constipation and bloating but I hate this firey feeling. Hope you find some relief soon and if you do, let me know. x

27-02-21, 15:14
Wow! Thanks for suggesting Dr John Sarno - I will research him further - fascinating. Like you, CaliGuy, I don't want to take meds preferring to handle these things myself if I can. The burning eased after another week and all is well, thank you for your kind words and your support.