View Full Version : Anxiety and GAD

21-01-20, 12:48
Hi all

I have GAD and know that it can cause physical fatigue. If I am honest, I would say I suffer constant low-level anxiety (always worrying about anything and everything)...sometimes I have a big (more easily identifiable) worry. I find myself lately being very tired. This is making it difficult to start my own business...something that I love, but just need the energy to kickstart it. I suspect I may also be depressed, as (despite wanting to do this new job) I don't feel motivated...but I think that is due to lack of energy, losing all my confidence and probably seeing the setting up as being tedious (rather like preparing a wall to be painted, rather than getting on to actually paint it!). Despite these things, I will be doing a job I want to do, so it's not like I am forced into a job I hate. I am out of practice with socialising, healthy diet (though it is improving well) and I do not exercise. I have spent the last 2-3 years not doing much at all and suspect I have just got used to that kind of daily (in)activity. My question is this. Whilst I know that a huge peak of anxiety can take its toll...does anybody suffer with tiredness from (let's call it) background anxiety...the kind of daily anxiety which involves more lower level worrying, being down, not being motivated. I don't feel like I am in the stressful situation that I was in for the bulk of last year (a family health scare) but suspect my constant health worries (which have been there daily for 3 years or more) are creating a constant low level tiredness. I know focusing on a fear creates symptoms and perpetuates the fear and so I also know that by posting this, I am feeding that fear. I suppose recovery takes a while...perhaps months...and I'm being impatient. So does anyone suffer from tiredness from daily anxiety that is not at the breaking point? Bless you!

21-01-20, 20:46
Hi Dax....Oh yes, every day I get tiredness, sometimes low level where I can carry on but other times it’s a crashing fatigue that is so uncomfortable I don’t know what to do with myself, even if I do manage to sleep it doesn’t help. I do try and exercise (brisk walking) everyday but to be honest it can make me feel worse sometimes but I carry on doing it hoping it will one day make me feel better. The background anxiety as you call it is with me 24/7 so yes it does take its toll both mentally and physically. Just carry on with what you want to do, rest if you need to but don’t give in.....recovery doesn’t happen overnight and I think we get despondent and disappointed when we don’t start feeling better quick enough...which only leads to more tension and more tiredness...I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture and I’m sure once it gets off the ground it will give you the lift you deserve and long for...xxxx

22-01-20, 14:19
Thanks for your reply. It's always reassuring that someone else recognises symptoms etc...theres nothing worse than being the one person in the world who feels a certain way etc!!!!! I can push through things...it doesnt stop me ever, and I do find that doing more keeps my mind off things. The only problem is that if I dont have commitments, then I know I can have a nap or just take it easy. That proves that some of it (all of it?) is motivation...but the only difference is that I never used to be like this and don't know where I disappeared to!!! One thing that does my head in is waking up and feeling like I havent slept a wink....I'm not sure if thats the old background anxiety working through the night (presumably the chemicals are all there and dont just disappear with sleep). I have pondered over sleep apnoea, but it could be anything ranging from liver, to heart, to kidneys, to thyroid...so one could go crazy thinking about it all...I do hope it is 'just' anxiety' as pushing through everything will eventually pay dividents :-)

22-01-20, 16:29
Hi dax......Oh I can wake like that or a couple of hours after I get up I feel like I’ve not slept, and like you I’ve pondered over sleep apnea, I snore so that doesn’t help my thinking, even got my hubby to check that I don’t stop breathing, which he has assured me I don’t, I’ve also been convinced I have CFS and was told many years ago it could be a mild form of it, but not sure if the doc was just humouring me as nothing was put in my notes, but still today I often wonder if that’s what it is....Im not the best sleeper, can fall asleep easily enough but it’s staying asleep, I usually wake ever couple of hours for a drink or go to loo but do go straight back to sleep, I have been like that for years and in that time had various tests for other things so I know it’s not my liver heart thyroid etc....You are right the old anxiety doesn’t shut off when you sleep, I have woke early mornings with the symptoms of anxiety so it must go on whist you sleep and that must have some affect on the quality of sleep you get...I’m sure it is all down to anxiety and all though exercise is good for anyone, I think people with anxiety/panics can do too much exercise as it sends a warning to the brain that there is danger because the heart is beating fast or stronger or your sweating or your aching or your tired...etc, this then causes the anxiety to rise and of course you will feel even more tired , it’s a vicious circle...does that make sense...Your definitely not on your own Dax I know a few people who are the same and I’m sure there are loads on here too....I also find when I’m tired I get a wobbly head, or an unbalanced feeling....feels like I’ve had a few to drink when all I’ve had is a cup of tea...lol....You will be fine Dax, we will get through it together.....xxxx