View Full Version : Only myself to blame.

21-01-20, 17:31
Hi everybody. I'm a first time poster but reading the forums a long time. I suffer from health anxiety and this keeps me away from doctors unlike many here. I finally went for a smear after 14 years as I am planning on getting pregnant this year. I also did 6 months of therapy which definitely helped. The smear test was fine and I was not worried about that.. The nurse was lovely and made no comment whether my cervix looked OK or not. Just the waiting for results. So here I am now waiting. I have convinced myself it will be the worst case scenario and I will be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Ive been through a very difficult diagnosis in the last few years regarding a genetic kidney issues so I feel somewhat unlucky. I have absolutely no symptoms at all and did not bleed after the test which doesn't quell my worries. I have been reading posts on Jo's trust to prepare for my impending diagnosis of cc and it has not helped. I'm guessing most forum users on there have a story to tell thus most posts not being great news. I'm hoping some people on here have been in a similar situation as me and it turned out OK.

21-01-20, 18:11
We literally have hundreds of posts like this so have a search and get reassurance


21-01-20, 20:15
Thank you 🤗

21-01-20, 21:56
Hi, I was the same as you in October Just gone .. have a look you’ll find my smear tests posts, I was 36 when I had my first smear and I thought this is it I’ve left it to late ... I was so scared like you I was reading jo forum preparing for the worst. My results came and I was hpv negative !!! So don’t worry you’ll be fine

21-01-20, 22:06
Thank you sunshinegirl. Fingers crossed all will be OK. Glad to read your story. I've only come across negative ones so far. Really appreciate the reply 😁

10-02-20, 17:55
I just had to come back and thank those who replied. It really helped. I luckily received my results today and all was clear. Lesson learned not to leave it as long next time. 😁