View Full Version : Bowel Cancer fears - Dizziness, Anemia

21-01-20, 19:01
I'm 26 years old. I've been worried for quite a few months now that I have bowel cancer. For a year now I've had severe constipation and only go to the toilet once a week usually. I had red streaked blood on my stool in the past. Perhaps I still do. I refuse to look down the toilet now. I've had a stool sample last summer and blood tests about a month ago which were normal. I still think I'm anemic from the bleeding tumour. I'm constantly looking in the mirror to see if my skin's pale. I often (but not always) have a rapid heartbeat as soon as I stand up and walk around. This symptom was present before the blood tests. Now, though, I have an unsteady off-balance feeling a lot of the time, nausea, and sometimes when I lay down and close my eyes it feels like my bed is rocking. Like a boat. I looked up vertigo and apparently it is not an anxiety symptom. Doesn't seem to be a bowel cancer symptom either so I'm not sure where that's come from. I'm really worried. I feel like I'm going to snap and just go completely insane any time now. This is on my mind 24/7. It even invades my dreams. I genuinely feel like I'm dying and nobody is taking me seriously.

28-01-20, 18:22
Hi there. How are you doing? When I read your post it was hard to believe It wasn't me who posted. I’m having exactly the same symptoms, last week I went to the the bathroom and there’s blood in the toilet paper after I wiped. After that I started to remember that I was worried about having anemia, feeling my hands and foot cold, paleness and short breath. Now I’m worried if it’s all connected and I am bleeding without know and dying from colorectal cancer. I keep looking at my feces for blood or something odd but now I am on me period and It gets all messed up. I cant take this anymore.

29-01-20, 00:03
If you had blood tests, the anemia would have showed. In a CBC and routine blood screens iron and hemoglobin levels are almost always checked. Your doctor would have contacted you if anything was wrong. Or, call the office and ask for your values to make yourself feel better! Racing heart is a symptom of anxiety. As the the vertigo, I am a self proclaimed expert in that subject. I am 23 years old with chronic vertigo from a double ear infection I had a year ago. I thought I had MS or a brain tumor. I had a MRI done and tons of blood work and it all came back normal except I have cysts that prevent my sinuses from draining. I will hopefully be getting sinus surgery this year. The moral of the story, the simplest things can cause the scariest symptoms for us health anxiety sufferers. Do
You have a stuffy nose? Allergies? Vertigo can be caused by sinus blockages.