View Full Version : The time before perimenopause ???

21-01-20, 21:30
Hi All so quick history early menopause runs in my family my sister had it at 37 my mum in her 40s. I’m 37 now. Me periods were always very regular and no real issues really in the department. When I turned 36 I had a 52 day cycle followed by a 12 day cycle went to the docs and because of family history they did bloods which were normal and in January last year had a pelvic scan and there was no sign of menopause. Since then my period have ranged from 26- 34 days with on cycled being 43 days. I am currently on cd 48 with no signs of period. I asked my gp yesterday when I went for my anti depressant medication review she looked at my period log and said she’s not worried about it and that I’m going through the bit before the peri menopause. My question has anybody had this and what should I be expecting ? Bit confused really as I’ve never heard about the period before perimenopause. I don’t know wether to push this further and get my thyroid checked as my mum does have under active thyroid and I believe sometimes this can also be a cause for missing or irregular periods .

21-01-20, 22:40
I'm right here with you, girl! I'm 36 and out of the clear blue my periods started being irregular and my small fibroids grew like 3 times their size. I've spoken to other women who say the same thing about irregular cycles, worse pms, etc... in the mid-late 30s. They've all mentioned to doctors who are like - yeah, you're 36. So apparently this is a thing!! Yay. I had my estrogen levels and thyroid checked (we have family history too) and both were normal according to my doctor.

23-01-20, 00:09
?There is no time before perimenopause, and most doctors do not even know what it is, you are going through peri, right now my period is 22 days late, I am not pregnant, and will be turning 47 soon. Peri can start in late 30s to early 40s and last a few months to ten years, hitting full menopause at 50-51.

24-01-20, 21:20
My therapist sent me this article yesterday because I'm alway talking about how I swear I'm in peri even though I'm only 36. This is exactly what we're talking about!! https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/01/18/797354824/menopause-starts-younger-than-you-think-heres-what-you-need-to-know

27-01-20, 23:53
Yep you can start Peri in your late 30s and it can last a few months to ten years, on average it's ten years so if you are going through it by 36 you'll be done by 46 and into menopause for 12 months of no bleeding, however, if you start bleeding again after six months or seven months you have to start the count all over again, I skipped my monthly last month and am due again on Wed, so the count is on for me. My great grandmother went through full menopause at 28, I was amazed when I found out and she died at 99 years old.