View Full Version : Another hot damn foot pain

20-01-20, 04:03
Has any folk ever heard of this weird condition? It's an inflammation of heel and makes it painful to walking.

If any folk has any advice what to do about it, would be grateful. I ain't gonna google shit


20-01-20, 04:49
Hi Charlie,

Yes, there have been a few threads about it I've seen. There was one on the HA board last year I think.

My mum had it about a year ago. It was painful to even stand. I did some searching around to see what helped since her GP only offered pain relief :doh: and found a support you wear that cushions that part. There are various types, some are for more complicated conditions so much bigger or you wear them at night in bed, but we just went with the cheap solution. It was just like one of those neoprene sports supports you see people wear on their hands/feet/knee, etc except made for this condition.

Within days she was much better and it's been gone every since. You don't have to keep it on all the time but it allowed her to walk again and after a couple of days she could go out shopping again. I don't think it took more than a week before it cleared up and she had it a couple of weeks at least before so it wasn't a long term condition like some have.

Only cost about £7 I think off Ebay.

20-01-20, 05:31
I had that for several months a couple of years back; looked up some YT tutorials and my other half taped my foot up using physio tape.

As luck would have it, our college had a physio school at the time and the guy who ran it told me calf stretches could also help.

It hurts like the proverbial but it's essentially just muscle microtears so you're good to Google if you get the urge, you won't find anything to scare you.

20-01-20, 06:11
Thanks Iris that's really useful

20-01-20, 09:39
I had it too. It REALLY does hurt! I found wearing special shoe inserts (that I got from Amazon) really helped. It eventually disappeared but I've had it before then so expect it to return at some point......

20-01-20, 10:41
Has any folk ever heard of this weird condition? It's an inflammation of heel and makes it painful to walking.

If any folk has any advice what to do about it, would be grateful. I ain't gonna google shit


Yup its painful - get get my husband to massage my heels lol (nice eh lol) - mine tends to flare up when I am on my feet alot - mine gets so bad that I cant stand in the mornings if I have had it the previous day

I find that if I stretch my leg and twist the ankle it gives relief (think someone has mentioned similar already)
My GP said that weight has alot to do with it :( (in my case anyway) oh and the fact that I have been gifted with very flat feet lol

Hope you feel better soon :)

21-01-20, 01:30
Hi Charlie,

Yes, there have been a few threads about it I've seen. There was one on the HA board last year I think.

My mum had it about a year ago. It was painful to even stand. I did some searching around to see what helped since her GP only offered pain relief :doh: and found a support you wear that cushions that part. There are various types, some are for more complicated conditions so much bigger or you wear them at night in bed, but we just went with the cheap solution. It was just like one of those neoprene sports supports you see people wear on their hands/feet/knee, etc except made for this condition.

Within days she was much better and it's been gone every since. You don't have to keep it on all the time but it allowed her to walk again and after a couple of days she could go out shopping again. I don't think it took more than a week before it cleared up and she had it a couple of weeks at least before so it wasn't a long term condition like some have.

Only cost about £7 I think off Ebay.

Hi Terry

Very useful thanks my buddy ordered one of them supports offa e Bay for me

21-01-20, 01:32
Thanks Nicole and Neverending

The replies here been way better than I could of dreamt of

21-01-20, 04:08
Hope it works for you, Charlie. Worth a shot as they are cheap.

On the stretches others mentioned I remember when I was looking around about this it said we tend to curl our feet upwards as we sleep and this can make it worse. This is why you can get more advanced bigger supports that stretch your foot back down as you sleep. So, I'm wondering if some stretching or yoga stuff aimed at this would help if it done before bed and when you wake? I'm just thinking about how my jaw clenching in my sleep was helped by doing an exercise my dentist gave me to loosen the muscles of the jaw before bed and it did help.

21-01-20, 06:12
The stretches help a lot...so does rest and alternating heat and ice before you go walking on it in the morning. I used to have it from sports.

21-01-20, 23:00
Hi all

can't believe I posting a new shred so soon after last one. I feel like in that ole arcade game, yous hit a head what pops outta hole with a mallit then another head pops outta another hole.

It's connected with that Plantar fascist gig. I been walking with weight on inside ball of foot to over compensate for heel pain, that's where big toe is.

I did a search but got about 5 options and couldnt be assed to look them all up.

Pain is a throbbing pain in top part of foot in flesh part between first two metatarsals, sometimes in bone itself. Pain come and go even when not walking.

You guys here is the best doc I ever got. If you got any idea what it is, please let us know what exercises I can do.

I can rule out gout coz don't drink alcohol or eat any of that tasty chow. Also pain not in big toe. Definitely a mechanical gig.

I always had flat feet and at one time did a lotta marathon running. Old age catching up on me.

Thanks and sorry for sadassing again.


21-01-20, 23:43
It’s plantar fasciitis. The tendon that causes the heel pain runs from the back of the heel to the big toe. It’s because you’ve been walking funny. Treat the plantar fasciitis and you’ll solve both pains.

21-01-20, 23:58
I agree with AntsyV and others on your previous thread. Definitely not fun. I have gout (fortunately and thanks to meds, it's much better) and that's a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone. I also have neuropathy from chemo so my feet are an amusement park of pain. The OTC remedies and common sense solutions are really the way to go. Eventually it does lighten up and things get back to normal.

Positive thoughts

22-01-20, 01:18
Hi Vee and Fishman

You guys are great! And replies so prompt.

Mucho mucho appreciated


22-01-20, 08:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


22-01-20, 08:56
Good move boss
