View Full Version : Achy Legs from sitting too much.

23-01-20, 18:59
33, Female, 145 pounds, No medications other then vitamins, probiotics. Don't drink or smoke cigs. But I do smoke a little MJ. No medical issues other then health anxiety and GERD.

I work from home, so I sit a little too much. My legs feel a little campy and achy and yesterday I randomly found like a knot or a lump on the back of my leg just above my achelies tendon. (not sure how to spell that). So I'm really freaking out about a tumor or a blood clot. I have already contacted my doctor and I'm waiting for a response. Please do not scare me anymore then I already am....I googled it and now I'm terrified. I know google isn't the best place to read any health issues, especially if you have health anxiety like me. But does anyone have advice? Or tips to help this pain go away? Is yoga good? I know I need to be more active and I'm working on fixing this. I'm just worried it's too late and I have a blood clot or a tumor and my life is basically lover. I hate health anxiety so much.

23-01-20, 19:08
I won't address the fear as it's just reassurance seeking and feeds the dragon but look into a adjustable desk that allows you to stand or lean on a stool so you're not sitting all the time.

Positive thoughts

23-01-20, 20:17
Sitting down causes exactly what you're experiencing.

Please tell yourself you're being ridiculous by connecting a bit of leg stiffness with leg cancer. You are being ridiculous.

Just get up every hour and have a stretch/walk about a bit.

Don't say 'I hate health anxiety' as that removes the responsibility from yourself. Take responsibility to not google a completely benign symptom and get yourself worked up over literally nothing. Don't google. That's your choice.

23-01-20, 20:34
I know you're right and I know I'm being ridiculous. But I'm being safe then sorry. I'll have it checked by my doctor Monday. I think it's time I put my Ring Fit to use real soon.

23-01-20, 20:37
It's not really about 'better being safe than sorry'. Part of the health anxiety cycle is constantly checking and seeking reassurance for normal bodily niggles.

You already know it's because you sit down too much, so why not investigate yourself whether getting up and walking about helps before you go and waste your time (and money...USA?) at a Doctor.

23-01-20, 21:08
Seeing as it's a lump, I think it's better to get everything ruled out anyways. I've been walking around all day and it does help. And I pay my doctor monthly, so I can come in anytime if need be. He's worked with my anxiety and given me tips on how to help it. Which is very helpful. So I'm probably going to seek his advice again on ways to get me more active. And of course rule out anything bad with this lump.

23-01-20, 21:13
Seeing as it's a lump, I think it's better to get everything ruled out anyways. I've been walking around all day and it does help. And I pay my doctor monthly, so I can come in anytime if need be. He's worked with my anxiety and given me tips on how to help it. Which is very helpful. So I'm probably going to seek his advice again on ways to get me more active. And of course rule out anything bad with this lump.

So much for our opinions/advice/reassurance :shrug:

"Told Ya So Gang" on standby...

Positive thoughts

23-01-20, 21:19
You guys don't have to be mean about it..

24-01-20, 00:55
I don’t think anyone was being mean, Tosh.

They just want you to deal with your anxiety, rather than enable it by calling your doctor. With anxiety like yours, the most important thing is to deal with the anxiety by employing rational thinking. You were part way there--you said you spend a lot of time sitting, and had a sense that your leg discomfort was caused by that. If you just let rational thought prevail, you could have made it all the way.

And I bet the farm you don’t have a lump. ;)

24-01-20, 05:33
I recently found out that tense muscles have lumps. It was new to me. I bet yours will go away with some stretching and activity.

24-01-20, 05:36
I forgot to mention yoga. Yoga is a tremendous help to me. I think part of my recent health anxiety flare is because I got too busy to do my yoga.

24-01-20, 09:26
You guys don't have to be mean about it..

Nobody was being mean. Fishmanpa often uses the term 'told ya so gang', but in fact it's not a gang, it's just him that uses that phrase.

I'm trying to outline my advice to you in a 'you're being ridiculous' frame, because I want you to look at it that way too. You have outlined the cause and the solution, so thinking about leg tumours IS ridiculous, you just can't see it yet.

24-01-20, 21:27
It is probably nothing. I've been standing and walking around more and it has helped my achy leg feeling. I'll try not to contact my doctor for little things after this. Since it is a lump, i do feel it's okay to get it checked and ruled out anything bad. It could be a knot, as I've been doing squats...well, learning how to do squats I might say lol. I was doing them wrong at first. But I'll see what he says Monday.