View Full Version : Coroners Hearing!!!

01-10-07, 22:52

No doubt you will all remember the story:weep:

So does anyone know what I will face when I attend the coroners hearing???

I mean procedure etc??

Any help or advice would be welcome:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-10-07, 13:11
I don't Kaz hun but wanted to give you a special hug to help you be strong!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

02-10-07, 13:18
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses--10.gif For you Kazz:hugs: :hugs:

02-10-07, 13:18
Sorry Kaz. I don't know either hun but hugs from me too :hugs:

Karen xx

02-10-07, 20:08
Thanks all of you:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-10-07, 20:16
>>>So does anyone know what I will face when I attend the coroners hearing???

I mean procedure etc??

Any help or advice would be welcome:shrug: <<<

its kinda like a court case only there isnt a defendant.
different witnesses will be called to give an account and answer some questions. any evidence will be produced and the judge decides whether how the person died and wether it could of been prevented etc.
the officials will guide you and make sure the lawyer on your side knows you have anxiety. if it is to much of a prob the judge may let you give an account in private but its something to ask a lawyer.


02-10-07, 20:21
Thanks Barbed:hugs:

But why do I need a lawyer and to speak??

I wasent there when he died and dident see or know anything!!

Will they still question me then???

I was only attending as next of kin I thought!!

Worried now:blush:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-10-07, 20:41
Kazzie, I think in your case, you will be only watching from the gallery and not called up, if you was required to do so, you would of been advised on that fact.

Thinking of you mate


02-10-07, 20:54
sorry hun i dont know...but here is a hug:hugs:


02-10-07, 20:59
Thanks Alan that has put my mind at rest:hugs:

Thanks Happy:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

02-10-07, 21:00
I am not sure of your situation. But having been in coroners court before I do I know that Coroners will be very aware of the distress this occasion will cause you. They know the loved ones are there and will hopefully explain to you what is happening as things proceed.

If you are involved to give evidence you will be already aware of this and have a solicitor acting on your behalf. So if you haven't been told about this then don't worry you are there as next of kin, not to give evidence.

Some Coroners may have a word with you before you go into the hearing. This is usually to reassure you because they know it is a frightening experience.

I hope your Coroner's Office is one of the good ones which I am sure they are and they will try to make it as simple as they can for you.

Good luck and although it is not a pleasant experience please try not to worry about it - it is a formality and will hopefully be brief.

02-10-07, 23:57
Hi Kaz,

Sorry have no advice on this mate but am thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

03-10-07, 00:03
Thinking of you Kazzie. :hugs:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

03-10-07, 00:15
I'm afraid I don't have a clue either Kaz, :shrug:

But wanted to send a hug anyway - thought you might like this one!




03-10-07, 09:13
Kazzie , is this about your cousin ?

Its just the procedure that they have to do , if I remember right didnt they catch the culprit ?

03-10-07, 21:48
Thanks Sam:yesyes:

Thank you all for the hugs:hugs:

Mirry, yes it is my cousins inquest:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

03-10-07, 21:50
Mirry sorry just saw what u said!!!!

Well they had a suspect in mind but he was innocent seems it was a silly drunken squabble in which Mike was trying to prove that white spirit wasent flammable.....well guess what?? IT IS!!!!!!

Hence the need for an inquest!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

03-10-07, 21:56
Have a hug from me too Kazz.......



03-10-07, 22:54
Thanks Andrea:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

07-10-07, 21:50
The inquest is in early Nov

Dont have date yet!

Was in local paper again the other night

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-10-07, 23:38
Not too long to wait now then Kaz, must be horrid waiting for this though - am thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

08-10-07, 16:12
Thanks Lis:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

17-12-07, 22:33
Hi All:hugs:

The date has now been set for 9th Jan 2008!!!!:mad:

I have been warned it will be harrowing.....lots of photographic evidence etc!!!:wacko:

I have to do it!!:weep:

Just wanted to say thanks to all who have supported me all these months:hugs:

Will have to be death by misadventure surely???:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-12-07, 23:15
Hi Caz,

If this is for an inquest then I can tell you how it was for us. We had to attend one recently for a RTA.

The family went in first, sat in front row and had a few minutes with the coroner and the police officers that have been involved all along. Then the witnesses were called in and then any other interested parties shuffled in.

The coroner opens the session by explaining that you are all there to establish the cause of death and NOT as a traditional court case with any prosecutors and defendants etc

A police officer sets the scene and each witness is called to give their statements and maybe answer any queries the coroner has where bits don't match up. The last witness for us was the police forensic chap who essentially told what they thought/had found and summed it all up, and then the coroner passed his verdict and offered to show the site pictures and to read the postmortem which was 7 pages long (he warned it would be gruesome so the family didn't request it) so he just read the summary paragraph.

It was a bit surreal, like the last chapter of a Hercule Poirot plot where everyone is pulled together to put in their bit, then it's all revealed and a time, place and cause of death established.

I hope it goes ok for you all.

17-12-07, 23:33
Awwwww Meg:hugs:

Thank you so much for that......makes it much clearer....now I know what
to expect:ohmy:

It is my cousins inquest.....he set fire to himself!!!!:shrug:

Thanks Meg for replying:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

18-12-07, 00:27
Hi Kazzie,

Take the bull by the horns.
Ring the Coroner's office for advice,or
Ring the Courthouse where the hearing is taking place.They should have pamphlets available on procedure.They may even have someone to assist you through the process.
I have attended many such hearings in the past.Usually relaxed but very respectful of the deceased and next of kin.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,

18-12-07, 09:22

Love Piglet xx

18-12-07, 10:05
just to let you know i am thinkin of you hun:hugs: love Paddie.xxxxxxxx

18-12-07, 16:23
I am glad a date has come through for you and your family.

It is obviously not going to be a pleasant experience but it will be dignified and done with some empathy. xxx

19-12-07, 16:26
Thank You Everyone:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-12-07, 16:33
Will be thinking of you Kaz :hugs:

Lisa x

19-12-07, 16:43

big hugs from me gal :hugs:

Love Lisa