View Full Version : Neck lymph nodes ( glands) - someone respond please

24-01-20, 01:37
Guys, is it normal to have swollen neck lymph nodes if you are fighting a nasty cold? I was just at my doctors, because this cold and cough have been persistent, so I just wanted him to listen to my lungs. So my lungs are completely clear, but he he said that my lymph nodes on the sides of my neck are little swollen. I was surprised and little scared, but he added: It is completely normal for a viral infection /cold, it means you are fighting this nasty post nasal drip. When I said should I come back after several days, he said:No, it is just a bad cold, take rest and drink a lot.

The only thing is that I do not remember I ever had swollen lymph nodes with cold, although this is really bad one. I am not sure, but maybe I never went to the doctor's for a cold? Anyways, just tell me that this is common thing for a viral cold, please. Thank you guys in advance

24-01-20, 03:08
I’m sorry you’re fighting this nasty cold. I’m glad your lungs are OK though.

It is totally normal for your lymph nodes to swell up with a cold or a virus. You may have had them swell up before and just didn’t notice. I’ve had mine take a couple of months to go back down. So don’t worry if they hang around for a while. And make sure to not keep touching them. That will keep them from going back to normal size.

I hope you feel better soon.

24-01-20, 04:44
CptDebble, Thank you so much., I presume that you, being a member on the Forum, know how we, with terrible OCD, seek reassurance - but nevertheless, it is so nice to hear this from someone who had the same thing. Did you also have a cold, or flu, or some other infection? And you are right, I am sure this is not the first time in my life that they are swollen ( I am not that young) , but for some reason it never came up. In any case, thank you so much!

24-01-20, 05:03
You are welcome :-)

Yes, I have had swollen lymph nodes with colds and viruses. I have also had lymph nodes swell up for unknown reasons. They all have gone down eventually; however, some didn’t go completely back to normal. They remain just slightly enlarged.

I am 59, so not so young either :-) When my kids were little our pediatrician would often show us the swollen lymph node on his neck. Apparently he had had it since he was a little boy. I thought it was pretty big, about as big as a large marshmallow. His intent was to tell us not to worry about swollen lymph nodes. LOL

I didn’t have health anxiety then. I have it now though, and jump down the lymph node rabbit hole every once in a while.

I bet you’ll be as good as new in a few weeks.

My young healthy 30 yo daughter gets swollen lymph nodes every time she gets a sore throat. She has me check them for her and they always go away too.

Sending hugs

13-02-20, 01:37
I have two on top of each other in the left side of my neck for 3 years now, my doctor told me he sees it all the time and come back if they get bigger or really really tender. Like I said 3 years ago, still there same size lol. About the size of a dime or a penny the biggest one. I was literally sleeping like 4 hours a night up googling before I went lol, he literally felt them and said "eh, small rubbery, moveable, nothing to worry about" Then he went on to say he has something similar happen 15 years ago and they are STILL there on him, he is about 65.And I wasn't even SICK!! I had blood tests and they never called me in so :D. Much love, no worries