View Full Version : One eye vision issue, different doctor answers

24-01-20, 17:19
I think I mentioned my initial problems a couple months ago, but can't find the post and now have an update...

Anyway, two months ago I went to the eye doc with blurry vision in one eye. Diagnosed as early virus. Came back a week later, they told me it was all cleared up and only dry. A month after the first visit, my vision was back to 90%, but still not perfect. When I close my other eye and only check the one with issues it is clearly still a bit fuzzy. It has improved, but not back to 100%. So, I saw a different doctor at that one month mark and he said the virus caused a little surface distortion which might take several months to a year to clear. Great! That's the answer I needed...

Until, I had to go back this week for cysts that popped up. Saw a third doctor. Told me not to worry about the cysts, but he cant see anything the second doctor was talking about with a surface issue. Even deleted that whole thing from my chart. Doesn't believe it ever happened. Said my eyes were perfectly healthy. This is good and bad. Good he saw no problems, but bad that he took away my explanation for why my one eye vision isn't back to 100%. I'm mid 30s so too soon for natural vision loss.

So, all this to say I had stopped worrying because I had a reason why my vision wasn't back. The third doc took that away. I still have some issues with that same eye but no explanation. If he didn't see anything on my eye, then I worry about behind my eye, but then again I don't think I would have gotten back up to 90%. Should have gotten worse. Surely if anyone suspected there was any issue with my optic nerve one of the three doctors would have checked or maybe even noticed something even without dilating my pupils, right?

24-01-20, 17:50
I had something similar last year. Ten months later and the vision in my right eye is still slightly off. A small blurry patch. Turned out to be something called Central Serous Retinopathy. Benign condition but annoying.

Your symptoms certainly could be that as well.