View Full Version : Hi Everyone

02-10-07, 00:53
Firstly can I say what an absolutely fabulous site this is. I have been reading through the forums for many weeks now and have finally plucked up the courage to join.

My name is Tracy and I am 44 years old. I am english but have lived in Australia for several years.

I suffer from anxiety and all its many many symptons. When i think back, my symptons started when I was a young child but of course then you dont know what is wrong. My father died when i was 4 so I don't remember him really but I know he had numerous illness which greatly affected my whole family. I grew up being fearful of any weird pain or funny heartbeat etc. To jump ahead though I had my first daughter when I was 22 and my second daughter when i was 24. I suffered terrible anxiety and feelings of not being real all along with the wonderful missed/ectopic beats. I have suffered with these beats virtually all my life although I do have the anxiety under control (most times anyways). However over the last say year and a half I have had the missed beats virtually constantly. I have had the 24 hour monitors etc all of which have picked them up but like many of you here, my doctor tells me they are harmless and not a problem. I do take Inderal 40mg and have done for many years.

Even after being told over the years that the missed/extra beats are nothing to worry about i still find it amazing that they are presumably not life threatening etc. My main concern now is how to ignore them and try and get on with life once again or whether to keep running off to doctors for reassurance and tests.

Oh dear, sorry about the long post but its quite hard to put it all down lol.

Well anyways guys just wanted to let you know how great it is that you are there and that i'm not alone.

Thanks once again

02-10-07, 01:18
Hi Tracy, It's great to see you on the site :yesyes:
I have found this a wonderful place for support, advice and friendship, and I know you will too. Welcome aboard!:D

02-10-07, 04:46
Hi Rain

thankyou so much for your kind words

02-10-07, 09:39
Hi Tracey
I am very new too and am already finding that when i panic i know i can log on and get support. Something that has never been provided by the medics!!!!! Great to meet you!!!!!:hugs:

02-10-07, 09:41
Hi Tracy

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


02-10-07, 13:22

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

02-10-07, 13:32
hi tracey welcome to site it is a great here over the last year it has helped me so much i hope it does the same for u tc xxxxxxxx

02-10-07, 13:37
Hi Tracey,

:welcome: abroad. Hope you make lots of friends and get lots of advice.

Take Care]

02-10-07, 14:17
Hello Tracey And Welcome To The Site............linda

02-10-07, 16:00
Hello Tracey:welcome:to you!

You'll make many friends here - and get loads of help and support!

Took me 6mnths to pluck up courage to join so you're not alone there!

Pleased to meet you!


02-10-07, 17:03
Hi Tracy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I don't suffer with missed beats but I do get a tight throat a lot. What has helped me is to find a hobby which I can concentrate on. So if my throat is particularly bad I'll grab my camera and enjoy taking photos which makes me forget the anxiety symptom.

Take care,

Mike :)

02-10-07, 19:29
Hi Tracy

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here

You are not alone and will meet some lovely people on here.

02-10-07, 20:47
Nice to hear from you Tracy :yesyes:

03-10-07, 00:44
Hi Tracey,

Welcome to NMP. Many here feel exactly like you do and you will find a lot of support.



03-10-07, 02:41
My thanks to everyone, what fabbo people you are. I am so glad i plucked up the courage and joined. I feel better even now knowing I am amongst people who truly understand.

Thanks guys!

03-10-07, 08:08
Hi Tracy,

A big warm welcome to you. xx