View Full Version : How do I maintain weight

26-01-20, 12:27
Hiya, I am managing my anxiety quite well.. Few bad days here n there. Question is... Any tips 9n how to keep my weight up, its dropping off dramatically and at around 9stone can't afford to lose much more... Eating little n often and suffering anemia too, so it's becoming hard

26-01-20, 12:38
Well, eat more.....?

It's probably a good idea to start tracking exactly what you eat so you know what baseline you're working from. What do you usually eat in a normal day?

26-01-20, 20:33
I eat fairly well and take advantage of what I call good days, when I can manage the nausea
Breakfast, snacks on break like crumpets, full pasta and salad for lunch and a full dinner for tea!!, that's without snacks in between... It just seems like my body completely burns any calories I top up with x

26-01-20, 21:09
That's just a vague list of the kind of foods you eat in a day.

You also didn't mention having struggles with eating and nausea, so this is pointing squarely at under eating.

'Full' pasta and 'full' dinner are meaningless in isolation. I think it would be a good idea for you to actually weigh and measure what you're eating to make sure you're getting enough calories in. Weight loss and gain isn't solely due to calories, but it's the best place to start.

If you're just about eating at maintenance levels on most days but then under eating on days that you struggle to eat, you'll continue to lose weight.

Once you know exactly what your weekly/monthly calorie intake is, only then can you start to really make a plan.

26-01-20, 21:49
I would ask the doctor for a referral to a dietitian who can help and keep it all healthy

26-01-20, 22:06
I would ask the doctor for a referral to a dietitian who can help and keep it all healthy

I agree. It really is as simple as caloric intake vs. caloric expenditure but eating properly is vital to maintaining your health.

Positive thoughts

26-01-20, 22:50
Thanks for replies, a little abrupt to say the least...

26-01-20, 22:52
How are they abrupt?

27-01-20, 16:52
Thanks for replies, a little abrupt to say the least...

What exactly do you want us to say, and in what manner? What do you expect from this post?

28-01-20, 13:52
Join WW.
Download the app.
Set yourself to Healthy Habits. (NOT for weight loss)
Follow the plan, track your foods.

I promise you it will be eye opening and teach you a healthy pattern of eating.

WW it's a beautiful tool to help you eat well and be healthy.

31-01-20, 10:28
Well, eat more.....?

It's probably a good idea to start tracking exactly what you eat so you know what baseline you're working from. What do you usually eat in a normal day?

I did this because I struggle to keep my weight up and I was actually shocked to see how I thought I was eating 'normally' but I was a few hundred cals away from what an average women should be eating.

31-01-20, 13:39
Others are right, losing / gaining weight is just the matter of calories in and out. Are you in surplus or deficit.
Anxiety , fidgeting can cause you to burn more calories.
Use myfitnesspal app, it is free. Write literally everything that you eat and drink in precise weight(grams) and see how many calories you get. After a week if you lost a lot, like 1kg or more, raise your daily calories a lot, by 800-1000 per day. If you lost 0.5kg, add around 500-600 calories etc.

Don't eat junk food, just because it is not healthy to do that. If you struggle to add calories add 40-50g of nuts, like almonds, walnuts or peanuts, then dark chocolate(high cocoa content 90%+). That should help.

01-03-20, 13:09
Hiya thanks for all your replies, I'm managing food really well now, see it more as food helps anxiety even though it can be a struggle.... Xx

01-03-20, 13:12
Thanks for replies, a little abrupt to say the least...

I really don't know how this post ended here the way it did 😳... I must have intended to post somewhere else and submitted before I'd finished what I was typing... Apologies xx