View Full Version : Sudden aching in both thighs?

26-01-20, 23:48
I've been sat watching the tv and suddenly just got aches in both legs. It's just above the knee caps and to the left on both legs and it actually quite hurts. I have taken paracetamol but panicking. I haven't slept well the past two nights and have been hungover. My mum reckons it's because I am tired but how would that cause aches? Anyone have any ideas as I am trying not to google and scare myself!x

27-01-20, 00:41
I get lots of aches and pains around my knees that come on suddenly, more so when I'm tired too.

27-01-20, 01:55
You can get aches from previous days activity, if you walk differently wear different shoes it can make you use muscles you don't normally use .

27-01-20, 20:25
Definitely had that happened before, were you dancing alot? for me it was just imbalance and overuse of my knees (was at airsoft all day). It's called the "movie sign". Totally benign, but if it's still there after a week or so, see your doctor if you're still concerned, did the paracetamol help ease it?