View Full Version : Vision issues

28-01-20, 00:47
This is the third time I’ve posted over the last few days but haven’t gotten any responses. I’m going to try again. In the past, you have been very helpful to me. I am a bit disappointed that I haven’t gotten any responses. I really needed some support, and still do.

I had a quick visual episode last Wednesday night. I looked at a bright light And then walked into a dark Hall. The after image of the light was bright and rainbow colored, like looking through a prism, instead of simply white like I’m used to seeing. It lasted maybe three seconds. It really scared me. My husband began getting migraine auras just Before he was diagnosed with cancer. The aura happened because his cancer had spread to his brain.

I have complex ptsd and don’t trust myself. I already had My yearly physical with my physician scheduled for tomorrow. So, I will bring this up to him. ( I also had a full eye exam four months ago.) Knowing my doctor, he will likely ask me if I want have tests, etc. I’m undecided as to what to tell him.

I don’t think I had a migraine aura. It seemed to be associated with looking at a bright light and then perhaps going into the dark. I’m 59, so I’m old to start having auras.

I’m just wondering if this could be an anxiety issue. Have you any of you ever experienced anything like this before?

Thank you.

28-01-20, 01:23
IMO, from what you posted here and on your previos threads about this, you're hyper focusing on normal visual anomalies.

Positive thoughts

28-01-20, 01:26
Thank you so much for commenting. It means a lot to me for a number of reasons.

28-01-20, 02:45
I agree with Fishmanpa. I had never heard the term "afterimage" until I started reading this forum. I've had that happen plenty of times and never thought a single second about it. Everything you've described sounds totally normal. And, honestly, even if you DID develop migraine with aura it would still be 99% likely that it was nothing sinister. I had one migraine with aura totally out of nowhere when I was under a ton of stress after surgery years ago. Then, I never had another migraine until I was 32 and now I get them all the time.

You mentioned in a previous post that before the rainbow image you'd put eye drops in, so that makes sense - the liquid acted like a prism.

28-01-20, 08:43
Hi Debbie. Im sorry you didn't get any response to your last post. It might be worth leaving it up longer before deleting it, especially due to time zones etc, although I know it's disheartening to spill your heart out and for no-one to reply. Given what you've been through with your husband, I'm not surprised you're feeling anxious. It does sound as though it's probably from looking at the bright light. I know when I accidentally shine my phone torch in my eyes, I can't see properly for a few minutes as I can just see that light. It tends to be worse when I'm tired. Migraine auras, at least for me, come on suddenly in the middle of my vision and slowly move to the sides of my eyes....lots of moving zig zag lines, and for me it lasts about 30 minutes. For the first minute or two, it does feel quite similar as if Ive shone a light in my eye. I think it's a good idea to mention to your doctor, and hopefully he will be able to give you peace of mind.

28-01-20, 08:51
It's understandable that you'd worry, Debbie, but in this case I genuinely don't think there's anything to worry about. When I'm stressed, I get afterimages that can last for a good minute or so.

I'd also describe my migraine aura experiences as very similar to Swan's, for what it's worth.

28-01-20, 10:29
Debbie, I get this when I'm oversensitised.
The change of light, bright lights, dark can affect me until my eyes adjust. It's normally momentarily or can last a little while longer depending on my day.
It is anxiety and not harmful, but frustrating.
When you desensitise it goes completely.

29-01-20, 00:06
The reasons for my health anxiety are complex and would take a book to explain. In brief, i have complex ptsd. I was in an abusive relationship and was systematically isolated from my family and friends. I am working on building up these positive relationships again. For the time being, though, I often feel all alone. So, I truly thank you for providing support in my moment of need.

This last episode helped me to find more of the deep hurt and self-loathing that is inside of me. It is hard to let myself see it and feel it, but I have to if I’m going to get better. I mention this because I Wonder if some of you are like me. My health anxiety isn’t the real problem. The real problem is how I view myself as a person.

I did go see my doctor today. He is my primary care physician and an internal medicine medicine specialist. He’s a great doctor and super good to me about my health anxiety. I hope you all have a doctor like that. He said he has no idea what happened with my eye episode. His advice was to not worry about it (LOL). We both laughed when he said that. 🤣🤣

Thank you again for being there when I needed it.


30-01-20, 15:42
Debbie, I am so sorry to hear what you have been through and I am sure it must be difficult to reach out, so well done for doing so. It sounds like you have really good insight into your mental health and I am sure that will help you as you come to terms with things and continue your recovery. A good doctor makes a big difference, and I'm glad he was able to put your mind at rest :)

08-02-20, 02:40
Thank you so much Swan :bighug1:

08-02-20, 08:52
I'm glad you have a great doctor too because they are few and far between and it really helps if you have such a good rapport.

You have obviously suffered a great deal and the legacy from this has been devastating but you sound a very positive and insightful lady who will do all she can to improve her life and work towards a better and happier future.