View Full Version : Feeling Sad

02-10-07, 11:42
Recently ive been feeling quite sad mainly because of the way i treat a guy who i absolutely loved, at the time i how should i put it wasnt myself, id found my mum dead, went off the rails and consequentally treat him like muck

that was 4 years ago and im still feeling it will it ever go away? :weep:

02-10-07, 19:44
Hi Frankie

So sorry to hear about your mum, that must have been a terrible thing for you to go through.:hugs:

Have you concidered having any kind of councilling for you loss? It sounds like it would be of great benefit to you:hugs:

We all say things to our loved ones at times that we regret hun ,me included so dont be hard on your self ok?


02-10-07, 22:12
Hi Frankie,

It must have been awful for you finding your mum, so sorry to hear that. But try not to be too hard on yourself. We all say things we don't mean to sometimes. Especially when we are not in a good place ourselves. Our nearest and dearest often suffer.

I had a miscarriage 7 years ago and I'm only now coming to terms with that and the fact that I may not be able to have any more. Its a long time and what helped me was counselling. I actually had some about 6 years ago, but then had more last year. It really has helped me understand and accept my feelings.

Hope you feel better soon.

03-10-07, 11:12
Ive had councilling

I just feel numb when i think about the way i treat the guy :-) x