View Full Version : Ups and downs

24-01-05, 20:34
I dont really know how to explain this one but here goes..
When Im feeling 'ok'ish, I can think positively and tell myself that its anxiety thats causing my problems. But when I hit a low, its really low. It comes from nowhere and I feel totally hopeless. I cant think straight at all. I feel confused and feel that theres no way out. All i want to do is crawl into bed and sleep it away. Hard to do when there four children runnin around.
I just cant rationalise my thoughts and think 'whats the point'. Then the anxiety really gets a hold and I feel sick to the pits of my stomach.
How do I stop these lows? Where do they come from? Then all of a sudden it lifts and i feel better again.Whats goin on. Anyone know?

24-01-05, 20:40
Do these lows lift when you're occupying yourself or in the company of someone? I seem to find when i'm on my own, even with my kids about i'm constantly thinking about how i'm feeling and that. But as soon as my mind is occupied with something i seem to feel ok. But once i've finished what i was doing or that person has gone, i think OH i felt ok then and then BANG i start all over again thinking about how i'm feeling and go back to feeling down. Whether any of that made sense i don't know. Thats one thing isn't it trying to explain how you feel, not always easy.

24-01-05, 20:43
i dont know where they come from but i think from reading some of the posts on here its quite common , my highs and lows are very extreme i go from being non stop excited and doing anything to not being able to get out of bed and self harming,i cant get a happy medium which is just between and copable with its all or nothing and can last for up to a week at a time so its difficult to explain to my gp how i have been between visits so i tend to end up carrying on as i am

fan x

24-01-05, 21:35

We all seem to get this. We can be fine one minute and then down the next. There are so many causes - tiredness, stress, even happiness can cause it.

Weird I know and it can strike at any time and you don't always know why.

When it happens try to take 5 mins to yourself to be calm and do some relaxing breathing. I know it sounds hard but all it takes is a few calming minutes to get you back on track.

It will go in time as the anxiety subsides but in the meantime try to take some "me" time to chill and play a relaxation tape religiously every day. It does help.


24-01-05, 21:45
i get this to jade good and bad days, but if u look back was there more bad days to start and not many good? I keep a record of good and bad days and found i must be getting better cos at one time there wasnt any ups just all downs. Take care Vernon

25-01-05, 09:11
I suppose mornings are the worst. As the day goes on I do start to feel a bit better. Some days the only time I can talk any sense to myself is last thing at night when Im in bed. For some reason I feel ok then. But I cant spend the rest of my life n bed. I wish!
Thanks everyone. I have started to keep a diary to try and track my progress. Thanks for that idea
Take care all