View Full Version : Husband nervous about the virus and chinese food

28-01-20, 15:49
I'm trying to keep my head about me with this coronavirus crap. Trying to avoid the news sites and be calm. But my husband is watching youtube videos and freaking me out. Saying it's a huge coverup and more people are sick then they say and now they are saying not to eat Chinese food, which they ate at work yesterday. Now hes really freaking out that he might have it just cause he ate chinese. I'm trying to tell him it doesnt make sense the government would release a virus to make people sick. Who would run the country if everyone is dead or sick. Hes just making me nervous when I'm trying to contain my anxiety over it. I'm already crazy about the flu! Ugh I can't deal with him and his conspiracy theorys. Now I'm nervous that he ate Chinese food!

28-01-20, 15:54
That's really ridiculous. Like, completely ridiculous. Imagine if there was a flu outbreak in Hamburg; would people have anything to fear from eating hamburgers?

There you go, then.

28-01-20, 15:58
He saw some article or video that said to avoid chinese food so hes super worried. I guess the place they went to wasnt the greatest and one of the guys is super sick after they ate there.

28-01-20, 16:06
I suspect.....I suspect.....Chinese food in America is probably from America. Not China.

It would be cold by the time you ate it if it was being delivered from China.

28-01-20, 17:50
^ Exactly as Joe says.

It sounds like he has been watching some of the CTer types on the internet who tend to be paranoid about news cover ups.

Even if it was Chinese food made in China and exported we would already be having our own epidemics and our agencies would be all over it. Given how governments have opposition party's who throw them under the bus all the time to make them look bad unless there is some legal notice served to silence the press it just wouldn't work anyway. And since we have seen our press report in cases of Ebola hitting our shores in the past, something far more worrying than this virus, does it sound like the press are being silenced?

28-01-20, 19:18
I agree Terry and I keep telling him hes going down a rabbit hole but his friends are sending him videos that say the situation is way worse then we can know and it's all hidden and covered up. I'm in the US and they say it's only 5 cases or something and they are all contained. Its just hard to practice my things that calm me down about these situations when hes going bonkers

28-01-20, 19:43
Imagine if there was a flu outbreak in Hamburg; would people have anything to fear from eating hamburgers?

There you go, then.

:roflmao:Thats incredibly funny ! (and true)

I'm not surprised you are finding it hard to keep things together Sunflower, being with someone who is engaging with the most daft conspiracy theories imaginable. Sounds like he also knows some pretty daft people too. I honestly don't know what advice to give other than hold onto the true and real facts and laugh at what he and his friends are saying ! They really are being rather immature to be frank. You live in the US, not in the area of China this has broken out in, and unless food has, as Joe said, been delivered really fast from your favourite restaurant in Wuhan and made by a virus ridden chef coughing all over the packaging......ummmm.....then you're fine.

28-01-20, 19:48
I'm trying! He buys into all these worst case scenario things. Hes a super christian that is convinced jesus is coming tomorrow and all these things are a sign of the end times. If they are I dont wanna stress about it!

28-01-20, 19:51
Sounds like he needs a break from his phone, sunflower (for both of your sakes really!). A country like China could keep a lid on things getting to international sources but it would only be about the conditions insider their own country. Whether that's the case I couldn't say because these countries can be secrative and controlling of their media and internet but surely it's the US cases your husband would be worrying about? This seems very unlikely when you consider the many things that the media do report with these outbreaks e.g. swine flu, Ebola, Aussie flu, Spanish flu, etc.

Just noticed your reply to Carys. Perhaps your husband needs to remember the media storm over previous outbreaks and climate events? They also could have been viewed in the same manner yet never came to be anything apocalyptic. So why would this one be any different without evidence it's much worse than previous events?

28-01-20, 19:51
I'm really sorry for you Sunflower to be honest, that sounds very challenging to live and deal with. I could say a lot more, but to be honest with you - I don't want to cause offence as I have strong feelings about people who are 'super Christian' and into doomesday conspiracies and the like. Anyhow, I dont think Jesus ought to be coming right now with this virus around lol Seriously, nothing is kept quiet in today's world and covering up is SO not an option for the US.

28-01-20, 20:05
Well that's what hes finding! Hes in some youtube rabbit hole on people talking about how much worse it really is. Many more sick and dying but they are hiding it. How it's a government releases virus etc
It's a 2 week incubation period for the virus so who knows how many people are walking around just spreading it around. I feel like it's kinda crazy to think that these people are releasing diseases that would make their own families sick

28-01-20, 20:08
The stuff he is reading and lapping up seemingly, is quite frankly - bonkers. It'll be interesting to hear and see his response when this has all run its course and there is no evidence of the things he is reading about.

28-01-20, 20:48
Ya know as I think back theres been alot of doomsday theories hes been worried about. Volcano's and superstorm, that military stuff. But when I worry about a big tree next to our house I'm the crazy one!