View Full Version : My chest feels tight

28-01-20, 17:51
Lately, last couple weeks, my chest has been feeling tight and my head feels...full I guess is the best way to describe it. I don't feel like I'm SICK though, doesn't feel like upper respiratory or cold or anything like that. My husband thinks that it's probably a combination of cold and anxiety (I've had both of my parents pass away in the last week), but I honestly don't feel anxious at all. Tired, but not anxious. It's kind of worrying me (because of course one parent went from lung cancer).

29-01-20, 03:05
Oh Nicole, both your parents passed away last week? I think a tight chest and full head is par for the course. That is a lot to deal with. And, sometimes when we don’t feel anxious, it’s because we’re suppressing emotions. My counselor often tells me that my panic attacks and symptoms are signals that I’m hurting.

My advice would be to give yourself lots of love and self-care. Snuggle with your hubby a lot and things like that. I bet you’ll feel better soon.

Sending love,