View Full Version : Dont know where to hide.

Granny Primark
02-10-07, 20:29
As most of you know Ive got probs with my son.
We dont see eye to eye. Weve always been close but at the moment were far from close. I still love him dearly and always will. But at 53 when I know ive tried my hardest and cant win I give up. I dont profess to be perfect, ive made mistakes.
I just want a quiet argument free life.
Now because of the hugs post sam put on for me and my reply mentioning him Ive recieved a horrible phone call from him tonight.
Hes basically stalking me AGAIN!
I need this site so much. I need my friends on this site. I try to help as much as I can to give support.
Ok perhaps I shouldnt have mentioned my son, but it was partly because of him that sam put the hugs post on for me.
Can someone please pm me a site I can use for panic attacks.
I truly havent posted this so my son could see, but i need a site now where i can be me and be open and post my feelings without wondering if il get hassle for saying how i truly feel.
I will always be a member here and post and give support.
But while im being stalked sadly i cant be the real me cus i know hes aware of my posts.

Take care

02-10-07, 20:55
Granny :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
So sorry your going through this tough time at the moment :hugs: :hugs:

You are a great support to lots of members here! including myself!

Just wanted to say im always here if u need someone to talk to feel free to pm me anytime! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

lots of hugs n luv
Laura xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:flowers:

02-10-07, 20:58

I will PM you another site that I used to use - lovely people on there.

How does he know your username etc on here now you changed it?

02-10-07, 21:04
(((((((((((((((((((Hugs for Granny)))))))))))))))))

Have you thought of changing your user name?

02-10-07, 21:41

........as you so obviously brighten other people's Lynn...and don't you forget it.:flowers:


02-10-07, 22:38
Lynn, I know he's your son and it's a tricky one but any type of stalking is a serious offence. I hope you'll be ok, take care XXXXX


03-10-07, 03:43
hey there lynn

dont leave please
dont leave on the count of your son as you have tons of friends on nmp
who would miss you

and we are all here for you and never let him stop you coming here for help ok as this is your space to feel safe and get support and help when and as you need it

i am here for you all ways and feel free to pm me ok


:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

03-10-07, 07:24
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Lynn :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
If ever you need to talk you can pm me on here or catch me on msn my dear, always here for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

03-10-07, 09:09
sorry to read what a tough time your having lately with your son ,

I hope you find a nice place to say what you feel ,
because you have given plenty of support to many people on here, inluding me :hugs:

03-10-07, 09:16
Granny :hugs: Where ever you go to hide please don't forget yer old friends here at nmp hun :hugs: If I bribe you with lots of Primark vouchers will you stay here with us???? :flowers: I'll even throw in a few padded bras :wacko: big hugs for you I know it hasn't been easy for you :hugs: xxx

03-10-07, 10:44
I think it's terrible that your son is stalking you and I'm really sorry to hear about it. I'm sure there are lots of other forums around, although to be honest this is the only one I have found that I really like and as others have said you are obviously helping a lot of other people on here and it's very sad that you feel you have to go somewhere else :hugs:

03-10-07, 10:59

Hello:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I am so sorry to her about your troubles. I hope that you are able to find a site that will bring you peace. I hope like the others that you will also stay on here. I find that your advice is so good, even if you aren't giving it to me.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care I will miss you around here.

Take Care,:hugs: :hugs:

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better!