View Full Version : Frequent urination, ovary pain

29-01-20, 10:47
Hi, I'm 48 and for the past month I've been having frequent urination (sometimes burning/cold sensation at bladder/vagina but not when actually urinating), right ovary ache, back pain and illiac crest/buttock pain. Went to doctor in the first week of symptoms, no UTI but no suggestion of what to do for the most uncomfortable feeling of needing to pee all the time! Went back couple weeks later, tested negative for UTI again but got 3 days of antibiotics and panned off with it's maybe cystitis, drink cranberry juice!
This week, back again and eventually getting bloods done and sent for ultrasound...but obviously I'm now freaking out about ovarian cancer! Help!

29-01-20, 15:24
Hi Michele
I had a similar situation, mine was showing as negative for a uti but once went to the lab there was an infection and I got antibiotics to treat. I’ve still got frequent urination and I had recurring back pain, lower pressure, I ended up having a scan, seeing a urologist everything! It seems I was so highly anxious that I was focusing on these tiny symptoms and making them a bigger deal and so giving myself this frequent urination as I noticed a full feeling even when I didn’t need to go. The only thing found was a few small fibroids which could cause slight pressure but nothing to worry about.
I’m completely not erasing your feelings of these symptoms but I was worrying for several months about something wrong with me and made myself sick, now I’m just learning to sometimes not notice these feelings as much and distract myself.
I really hope you get some clarity from your scans.

29-01-20, 16:52
I didn’t have the same symptoms, but a scan showed me with a small ovarian cyst. My symptoms were mostly funny periods. I did/do get ovary twinges too.

Try not to google if you can, you can’t unsee it and it won’t really help!

31-01-20, 10:22
My urine didn't show for infection in the lab either.

Yes, I feel like I'm constantly obsessed with this feeling of discomfort. My ovary/groin pain is really magnified at the moment!