View Full Version : Chest pain

29-01-20, 16:42
I’ve been having chest pain on and off since Friday.
Chest muscles feel like there going into spasm.
Had similar pains in August and had ecgs and blood test - all ok.
Have booked gp appointment for Monday.
Also due to have colonoscopy on the 8th Feb, but think I might cancel or reschedule.
Ive already changed appointment once..

29-01-20, 17:33
Most likely stress

Why are you cancelling it?

29-01-20, 23:09
I'm not one for paid reassurance but based on your post history and HA patterns, I think you should keep the appointment.

Positive thoughts

31-01-20, 13:42
Chest pain has been worse last couple of days.
It seems to be when I move, standing up, stretching or lifting things.
So scared..

31-01-20, 16:39
Anyone had this , trying to hold out for gp appointment on Monday .

31-01-20, 17:25
Muscular then most likely.

01-02-20, 11:35
My logical brain thinks it’s probably muscular, but my HA says heart or angina.
Anxiety is so hard to cope with, I don’t know how much more I can cope with..

01-02-20, 11:49
I have frequent chest pain!! It’s my worst trigger for anxiety. Where exactly is the pain? I get mine to the left hand side of my sternum. I have discovered if I massage the muscles near the top like where your clavical is and find where it is radiating from I can move my pain higher. Try experimenting with stretches and pressing to feel where the pain starts and stops this will help. Best of luck!! DO NOT GOOGLE

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01-02-20, 11:56
Thank you for your reply , my tends to be left side or centre, although it does move.

01-02-20, 11:57
Like mine then defo not heart although I totally appreciate the fear xx

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01-02-20, 12:42
Thank you, do you find certain movements make your pain worse

01-02-20, 12:43
Thank you, do you find certain movements make your pain worse

Yes leaning forward sometimes or lifting things or the cold or sometimes nothing it can just be spontaneous the cold makes it worse than worse or lying or sitting in different positions

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01-02-20, 12:54
Thank you, sounds just like mine x

01-02-20, 13:03
Thank you, sounds just like mine x

I take painkiller but doesn’t always work and when I’m worried or very anxious it comes with a vengeance. Now I try to relax into it or I remember it’s the same as I’ve had before. I hope I could reassure you because it’s taken me months to get my head around mine xx

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01-02-20, 13:06
Yes you have, it’s just sometimes it’s quite severe

01-02-20, 13:10
Yes you have, it’s just sometimes it’s quite severe

Absolutely I’ve been in tears with mine it’s been that bad and kept me in from going out! Made me cancel things especially when I worry about it. I had to get help from the station people to carry my luggage last week as it was the worst I had ever had but I couldn’t say I have anxiety perpetuated chest and shoulder pain please help I just had to say I’d pulled something and they were wonderful xx the fact it comes and goes is reassuring xx

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01-02-20, 13:12
Thank you again, I’ve got an appointment with my gp on Monday.

01-02-20, 13:14
Good idea [emoji106]
I have started to wear thick sweatshirts and it helps a lot!!

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03-02-20, 09:31
Saw gp this morning , she feels chest pain is muscular. Feels that I don’t need another ecg.
I don’t feel reassured.

03-02-20, 13:56
Saw gp this morning , she feels chest pain is muscular. Feels that I don’t need another ecg.
I don’t feel reassured.

Sorry to hear you don’t feel reassured. Make a log of it and perhaps look at activities your doing or when it gets worse. If it’s accompanied with blacking out or extreme breathlessness or if it does get very severe call an ambulance. That would be indications it’s heart. If like me it comes and goes and certain movements Aggravate it then be assured it’s probably muscular xxx

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03-02-20, 16:55
I asked gp if I could have another ecg , she said this wasn’t needed.
I feel another ecg would reassure me, but don’t really want to go to a and e.
Pain in chest has been bad today, Pain was also very bad last night.
I tried to explain this to the doctor..

03-02-20, 17:08
I asked gp if I could have another ecg , she said this wasn’t needed.
I feel another ecg would reassure me, but don’t really want to go to a and e.
Pain in chest has been bad today, Pain was also very bad last night.
I tried to explain this to the doctor..

An ecg shows the electrical impulses and beats to you heart and the rhythm depending when you last had one I understand why they wouldn’t do another as they are limited equipment and unless anything showed up on the first one depending how long since it’s hard to imagine something had happened to physiologically change that quickly to cause chest pain. If it had happened and something quickly had happened we wouldn’t be discussing it right now. Sadly due to my own heart/chest pain paranoia I have read far too much about hearts and how they work so that is my version of what’s happening. Again I am not a doctor and if you were in very bad chest pain I recommend a And e where they will do and ecg immediately and check you out and maybe call 111 they don’t mess around with chest pains or palpatations. They give me panic attacks so severe I end up with an ambulance if I ring 111 because stupidly I mention I’ve been having a panic about x y z and I’m having palpatations next thing I know I’m on the floor with and ambulance yet that’s not why I rang in the first place.

If your really concerned and for your own peace of mind go to a and e or ring 111 tell them you’ve seen the GP but they aren’t listening and explain if it’s worse and see if they can check you over. But I honestly think you will be ok.

Do you get palpatations too or is it just the pain? Have you tried to bring the pain on or do you get breathless when doing activity? These are all good signs for you to guage if it’s your heart or not. I purposely ran up and down my stairs to try and shift it I made my heart go faster but I didn’t pass out or get crazy breathless that showed me at that point it wasn’t my heart. I promise you’ll be ok, do you have your ecg report? I got mine and I just re read it sometimes to reassure me I’m ok.

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03-02-20, 17:21
I have tried walking up and down the stairs and it didn’t make it worse.
My las ecg was five months ago. I don’t have the ecg but gp looked at reading this morning.
Thank you for replying

03-02-20, 17:23
I have tried walking up and down the stairs and it didn’t make it worse.
My las ecg was five months ago. I don’t have the ecg but gp looked at reading this morning.
Thank you for replying

Try not to think about it that’s a good sign! And just take it easy. Xx

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04-02-20, 16:12
Sorry to post yet again !
Went to the coffee shop and had some pains in ribs and chest whilst walking.
Now so worried I have angina.
When I got home , I went for another short walk and walked up the stairs a few times and chest was ok.
Can stress give you pains when walking..

04-02-20, 16:59
Also meant to say my left hand feels tingly and cold !!

04-02-20, 18:06
Now getting a pain in my upper back when walking up the stairs - So scared

04-02-20, 18:21
Have you got any anxiety med prescriptions like lorazopam or diazepam? If you do and you take one, it will probably help with the pain and reduce your anxiety. Although you may feel drowsy afterwards. I always do when ever I take them.

04-02-20, 18:24
No I don’t have any anxiety meds

04-02-20, 18:45
Any muscle relaxers then? I would of thought your GP would have given you a prescription since he/she thinks it's a muscular issue.

The reason I ask is because when you take those kind of meds and you don't have pain after a while, that is a pretty good indication that it's either a skeletal muscular issue or anxiety or even both.

Also, if you move certain way and the pain is worse or more intense with movement, that is another pretty good indication that it's a skeletal muscular issue.

Edit to add: I just remembered this - Whenever I get any kind of chest pain, sometimes I take a relaxing warm/hot shower and that makes it go away.

05-02-20, 01:00
Any updates? I'm having a weird tight feeling in my left armpit. Feels tense, like pressure in that general area which is very close to my heart. Had some numbness in my left hand, too. I was able to eat a snack, drink water, go to the gym but this dull, tense feeling is still there, in the general vicinity of my heart. Starting to really panic.

05-02-20, 17:06
Sorry to keep posting , I just can’t get it out of my head that I have heart problems or angina.
I keep walking up and down the stairs to test my heart. Walking like this is usually ok and I don’t really get chest pains.
But after doing this , I sat down and reached for the iPad and got a chest pain , this is freaking me out and I’m so scared and stressed..

05-02-20, 23:50
Sorry to keep posting , I just can’t get it out of my head that I have heart problems or angina.
I keep walking up and down the stairs to test my heart. Walking like this is usually ok and I don’t really get chest pains.
But after doing this , I sat down and reached for the iPad and got a chest pain , this is freaking me out and I’m so scared and stressed..

I have heart disease. I have angina. You don't! When I read your post, I see totally over the top and irrational self testing behaviors that offer no logical or scientific affirmation of your fears and frankly, your symptoms don't even come close. What I do see and have seen in the 11 year history (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/search.php?searchid=677368&pp=) is severe and untreated anxiety disorder. It really comes down to this... Are you going to live the rest of your life with irrational thoughts, behaviors and fears or are you going to finally confront your dragon and learn how to tame him?

Positive thoughts

06-02-20, 08:56
Thank you for your honest reply.
Last night I had chest spasms and stupidly tested my bp- Range was 148/89 - 150/100 , too high.
I am due to start cbt for my health anxiety on Monday, it’s a 12 week course.
You are so right , I have spent years and years googling symptoms and having tests and am often just in complete terror !

06-02-20, 09:03
I have heart disease. I have angina. You don't! When I read your post, I see totally over the top and irrational self testing behaviors that offer no logical or scientific affirmation of your fears and frankly, your symptoms don't even come close. What I do see and have seen in the 11 year history (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/search.php?searchid=677368&pp=) is severe and untreated anxiety disorder. It really comes down to this... Are you going to live the rest of your life with irrational thoughts, behaviors and fears or are you going to finally confront your dragon and learn how to tame him?

Positive thoughts

*hugs* Fishmanpa you put things in perspective for me, also my heart anxiety started recently I’m hoping to defeat it before it defeats me

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10-02-20, 13:58
Trying not to google and to keep posting, but really panicking today.
I have pains in my chest again, chest feels tender when I press.
Again did the walking up and down the stairs with no chest pain this morning , but now have this bad pain.
Was due to start cbt today but therapist is off sick , so now starting next Monday.
This is a nightmare ..

13-02-20, 12:05
Here I go again !
Went out this morning and walked a short distance, by the time I got home I had chest pain.
My head went straight to angina !!
Walked up and down the stairs about 10 times and didn’t get the pain.
What is happening, surely this can’t just be stress..

13-02-20, 12:10
I think when we’re in a high state of anxiety, it causes us to tense up all kinds of muscles we didn’t even know we had. Not to mention our breathing is almost always off, which causes chest muscles to tense up and become sore. I would be willing to bet money that this is what’s happening with your chest pain. Muscular from all the anxiety tenseness.

14-02-20, 16:16
Still struggling with chest pain and anxiety.
This afternoon I carried some heavy stuff up the stairs and got a sharp pain when I bent down .
This has also happened when I stretched to do my hair and when I lifted the kettle.
Surely this can’t be angina, realise how ridiculous this must sound..

14-02-20, 21:18
Sounds like costochondritis especially in view of the pain when stretching and lifting. It's very painful but not related to heart or lung probs.

15-02-20, 08:58
Been thinking the pain might be costochondritis, but the pain is so bad at times.
Woke up this morning with really bad pains.
I sleep on my front and this seems to start it off sometimes..

15-02-20, 13:44
Costochondritis is very painful and you need to use topical voltarol maximum strength twice a day which can take the edge off. It can last for weeks but it's benign. I find hot baths help for a short time but other than that it's just time and trying to avoid aggravating the area of rib inflammation. It's worse first thing as well.

17-02-20, 14:05
This is ridiculous even for me, because my chest pain is worse at night I've convinced myself that I'm going to have a heart attack tonight, I'm really scared ..

17-02-20, 21:04
Please help,I'm terrified.
This evening I've had a couple of sharp spasms in the top of my left arm.
I was sitting down both times,but I'm now convinced I've got angina.

17-02-20, 22:09
The spasms in my left arm are getting worse, I think I might have to go to hospital

17-02-20, 22:15
Has anyone had chest and left arm pain and it has not been a heart problem.Can someone please reply .

18-02-20, 11:05
Sorry to keep posting, I was in a complete panic last night !
One thing I have noticed is that my chest pain is worse at night, I often wake up with bad chest pains.
Costochondritis has been suggested, would the pain from this be worse at night. I sleep on my stomach/chest.
Google says pain during the night is heart problems !

18-02-20, 14:28
If you sleep on your chest it will be agony with costochondritis. it's very hard managing the pain during the day too. I'm currently 2 weeks into my current bout and couldn't even think of sleeping on my front.

18-02-20, 14:52
Thank you. How was you diagnosed

20-02-20, 08:22
Really bad chest spasms yesterday evening and during the night.
I was convinced I was having a heart attack but didn’t go to hospital.

21-02-20, 08:32
Sorry another heart post.
This morning I was using a small dustpan and brush to sweep up some crumbs, I was bending over and felt pressure in my chest and breathless .
Scared this is definitely heart related..

21-02-20, 12:03
Has anyone had this

21-02-20, 14:30
Can I join the chest pain thread?
I've had an ongoing situation with an area on my left hand side just below the middle of the breast but seems to be inside the rib area.
It comes and goes and is anything from a discomfort to a dull ache and occasionally excruciating agony.
I've had this for weeks, probably months and had it before but it went away.
If I overstretch it seems to make it worse.
I can only describe it as being kicked in that area with what feels like swollen if I hunch over, I can feel it.
I've also had the ache in the arm too, but that could be related to anxiety.
Strangely breathing deep in and out doesn't aggravate it and I'm not out of breath, but do get bouts of breathlessness which also could be anxiety and not related.
Sleeping is ok, but I have to find a comfortable position, normally on my side, the opposite side to the pain area.
I know chest pain is very common on this site, but thought I'd add my version too.

21-02-20, 14:47
Just to follow on from my post.
I agree about lying on your stomach. I did that this morning to relieve my back pain and consequently made my chest pain worst.
Even a tight jacket or coat can set it off.

21-02-20, 21:26
This sounds similar to my chest pain, but tends to be on the right side. Have you had a diagnosis for yours.

22-02-20, 04:40
Since I’ve been relaxing and doing breathing and meditation my chest pain has gone I don’t even get it with panic attacks now. Even when my heart was 141 and I phoned for help they told me it was not life threatening and to breathe. My cure for all my “heart” related chest pain has been relaxation, breathing, comedy and stretching oh and I bought softer pillows been strict on my posture And not lifted anything heavy also I saw a doctor who examined me and told me 100% it was muscular.
Mine rendered me broken to the point I cried for days about chest pain had panic attacks about my chest pain! Now I have zero chest pain! Defo not my heart.!

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22-02-20, 08:15
That's fantastic progress, Phoenixess! Great that you actually believe your pain is muscular in origin. It does make such a difference once you steer clear from all the dodgy heart ruminations. Muscular chest pain can be very painful and affects a lot of movements but it certainly presents very differently from heart problems.

22-02-20, 09:38
That's fantastic progress, Phoenixess! Great that you actually believe your pain is muscular in origin. It does make such a difference once you steer clear from all the dodgy heart ruminations. Muscular chest pain can be very painful and affects a lot of movements but it certainly presents very differently from heart problems.

It’s taken me 4/5 months to believe it but I’m finally there. What was interesting was during the panic attacks I had I had worsening left arm pain. Then on Sunday I had a panic and the arm pain started my mum insisted I blew at the curtains until I moved the curtains. As I did the pain eased off and suddenly it clicked i can control this pain and if it genuinely was heart related it wouldn’t go as quick as it started despite me still being in an anxious state. What I’m starting to find also is positive thinking doesn’t happen over night and nor do the benefits however the ground work I started a week ago as difficult it has been is starting to pay of in moments where I can see clearer!

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22-02-20, 10:25
My therapist has asked me to log my chest pain and my anxiety.
Going back to my gp in a week, going to ask for ecg, my last one was 6 months ago. Trying to control my anxiety but it's hard.
Glad this has really helped you.

22-02-20, 11:08
No, I haven't yet pb. I'm pretty sure it's muscle related though. Although acid reflux had also crossed my mind.

Phoenixess, so pleased you feeling better.
I love the curtain idea too.

22-02-20, 11:46
No, I haven't yet pb. I'm pretty sure it's muscle related though. Although acid reflux had also crossed my mind.

Phoenixess, so pleased you feeling better.
I love the curtain idea too.

My mum is very creative when calming me down! You’d laugh at some of the other ones she comes up with but the curtain one is great!!

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24-02-20, 20:03
Went to a and e as chest pain was really bad. Ecg was normal, said pain was likely to be muscular.
Ive now noticed that when I walk or go up the stairs I get chest pain.
Dr said if I had angina there would be ischemic changes.
Still so scared.

24-02-20, 21:17
Went to a and e as chest pain was really bad. Ecg was normal, said pain was likely to be muscular.
Ive now noticed that when I walk or go up the stairs I get chest pain.
Dr said if I had angina there would be ischemic changes.
Still so scared.

You need to start to challenge your thoughts about this pain! If a and e have told you it’s muscular no other doctor is going to give you a better diagnosis than a and e and I’m sure they have seen many people with life threatening conditions heart and chest related and when necessary they don’t send someone home telling them it is muscular. You need to try to hold on to the truth until you believe it and it will come

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24-02-20, 21:21
If it is muscular then rest is the answer.
Try to avoid any stretching, lifting, carrying for a while and see if there's any improvement. x

25-02-20, 10:40
Hey there,
I am going to tell you about my experience and hope to help you. I have suffered chest pains on and off for maybe 10 years. Not all the time, but when they would start, I would freak out, think I was having a heart attack, take myself off to the doctor, have an ecg (which was always fine) , have bloods (which were always fine), told there was nothing wrong. I would go home, chill out, know my heart was fine and then it would go away until the next time....and so it started again!

Feb 2018 I was diagnosed with Graves disease. I had the most amazing consultant. On one of my appointments, I happened to mention the chest pain I would get (must have had a recent episode). He then explained to me how the muscles in the chest work, how they run through your body rather than from left to right, how they did x,y,z. The point was he explained. He looked at my posture and told me it was crap. I then showed him a raised area that I had just below my shoulder and above my left boob. He said it was muscular and sent me for physio.

I went to physio and she could see the raised area immediately told me it was my whatever muscle, poked it (at which point I nearly hit the roof) and the treatment started. I saw her for 8 weeks, the raised area went away, the muscle ache went away, the chest pain went away. About 4 months later, it came back and off I went to physio again and until just yesterday I have been fine.

I suppose my point of the ramblings is that I know it is muscular, I have had all the tests to prove it is muscular, my chest has been twinging since yesterday and my raised bit is raised. I am back at school, I am driving to and from work, I am sitting at my desk, my posture is crap, due to flu I havent been exercising. After my 10+ years of worry and stress and fearing a heart attack, I know it is muscular.

25-02-20, 10:56
That's great information Pet59, thank you for sharing x

25-02-20, 11:59
Thank you pet59, my posture is rubbish .
I have an appointment with my gp on Monday and will ask, my back is slightly rounded from bending over.

28-02-20, 16:43
Really trying to control my anxiety over chest pain.
The last few days have been good, but today I’ve had pain right chest side and arm, seems to be worse when walking , but also happens when resting.
Worrying about angina again..

28-02-20, 23:55
Really trying to control my anxiety over chest pain.
The last few days have been good, but today I’ve had pain right chest side and arm, seems to be worse when walking , but also happens when resting.
Worrying about angina again..

But the hospital said it wasn’t heart related. Try and remember what the doctors said

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29-02-20, 15:17
Have decided to stay in today, have only had slight chest pain.
Trying to accept that pain is muscular, but a bit concerned that hospital did ecg but no blood test.

01-03-20, 13:28
Sorry to post again. Walked up some steps to talk to a friend on my mobile and got quite bad chest pain for about 20 minutes , then kept walking up and down stairs again to see if the pain would happen again, I was ok , but really stressing about angina.
I know I need to accept its muscular , but the pain happened after walking up the stairs .

01-03-20, 14:10
What is with all the stair climbing self testing and stairs in general? :huh:


Positive thoughts

01-03-20, 15:06
I know, it’s mad and not really an accurate way to test for angina !
Really trying to accept the diagnosis of muscular pain I was given , but at times it is very painful and it’s been going on for nearly five weeks now..

01-03-20, 15:47
There's a word that you use (as well as most HA sufferers) that defeats the purpose of seeking reassurance and proves it does nothing to help. That word is "BUT". Go back and look how many times you've used in this thread and during the last 11 years. I challenge you not to use it moving forward and that goes for all the variations.

Positive thoughts

03-03-20, 12:10
When is this nightmare going to end.
Walked from bus to work , only about 10 minutes , got chest pain , that seemed to last on and off all morning.
I am having cbt, I'm drained and scared.

03-03-20, 12:15
I get that it's uncomfortable, but would it really be a nightmare if it wasn't for the associated anxiety?

03-03-20, 12:23
No it would be easier to manage.
Scared I have undiagnosed angina.

03-03-20, 12:27
Given all you've had done, that sounds very unlikely.

Are you doing the homework you've been given for the CBT?

03-03-20, 12:32
Yes I am doing the homework.
Ive only had an ecg..

03-03-20, 12:33
And you'd have been offered more if the trained professionals who saw you thought it was necessary.

03-03-20, 12:40
I hope that’s true.

03-03-20, 12:44
When I saw the dr I explained that movement caused the pain, I didn’t say that walking can cause it as well or sometimes it just happens when I’m just sitting.

05-03-20, 06:29
My chest pain always seems worse at night, last night the pain was really bad. I’m now worried that I’m having coronary spasms ...
I know I’ve posted a lot but could someone help to reassure me, I know no one can diagnose. Has anyone had bad chest pains at night. I’m terrified.

05-03-20, 06:31
My chest pain always seems worse at night, last night the pain was really bad. I’m now worried that I’m having coronary spasms ...
I know I’ve posted a lot but could someone help to reassure me, I know no one can diagnose. Has anyone had bad chest pains at night. I’m terrified.

But your ecg was normal?

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05-03-20, 06:35
Have you ever experienced a pain anywhere in your body that has made you cry, scream or feel sick or be sick? It is that level of pain or more!! That you should seek medical help. If you can still message on here and the hospital have told your your fine that I would presume your fine. Try not to google for a week and use cbt.

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05-03-20, 06:38
Thank you for your reply. The pain was bad and I did have to take codeine.Googling is not good.Just find it hard to believe this can be muscular.

07-03-20, 18:54
You seem to have just totally spiralled... I feel for u - it’s horrendous.

I honestly believe the anxiety is causing these pains and night time is hard with anxiety because there is little to occupy you.

Try downloading a meditation or relaxation app or simply watching a series etc...

I work at a hospital and I can assure you - they would NOT send you home if there was a hint of a problem with your heart.

It’s easier said than done but you need to try and occupy your mind and I bet the pains go...

07-03-20, 19:47
Thank you for your reply.

08-03-20, 09:30
I just can't take anymore.
Chest pain on and off all the time, chest spasms, pain at night .
I'm scared and had enough.

08-03-20, 12:09
I just can't take anymore. I'm scared and had enough.

You've been scared (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?44411-So-Scared) for 11 years here and probably longer.....So what are you going to do about it?

Positive thoughts

08-03-20, 15:31
I’m having cbt

08-03-20, 20:52
Do you think it could be anxiety causing the pains?

09-03-20, 01:21
I’m having cbt

Does your therapist know about NMP and your history?

Positive thoughts

09-03-20, 08:29
My therapist knows about my history of HA and about my googling, not about NMP.

09-03-20, 08:31
My therapist knows about my history of HA and about my googling, not about NMP.

Have you tried iberphrophen for the pain?

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09-03-20, 08:40
No not able to take anti inflammatory meds due to reflux. Have just been taking codeine and paracetamol.
Has your chest pain improved .

09-03-20, 08:44
No not able to take anti inflammatory meds due to reflux. Have just been taking codeine and paracetamol.
Has your chest pain improved .

Reflux could be causing/ worsening chest pain mine has gone 100% after a prolonged period of low to zero anxiety and realising my heart is perfect

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09-03-20, 11:05
That’s really good your chest pain has gone, how long did you have pain for.
I am trying to work on my anxiety.

09-03-20, 12:14
My therapist knows about my history of HA and about my googling, not about NMP.

Your therapist needs to know! What you're doing by posting and seeking reassurance here counter acts the benefits of your therapy! Then again, perhaps, like others here, you're just another person for whom the sick role has become a safe space.

Positive thoughts

09-03-20, 12:58
I have most definitely not fallen into the safe “Sick Role “, some of your posts come across as being so “Superior”.
You know nothing about me , other then my HA and posts on here.
I have tried my best to overcome my anxiety and at times have managed.
I have had lots of therapy and will continue.

09-03-20, 13:00
That’s really good your chest pain has gone, how long did you have pain for.
I am trying to work on my anxiety.

A good six months

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09-03-20, 13:07
Thank you

09-03-20, 13:16
I have most definitely not fallen into the safe “Sick Role “, some of your posts come across as being so “Superior”.
You know nothing about me , other then my HA and posts on here.
I have tried my best to overcome my anxiety and at times have managed.
I have had lots of therapy and will continue.

All I'm saying is your self examination habits/rituals and addiction to reassurance and posting is self defeating and detrimental to your recovery but what do I know :shrug:

Positive thoughts

10-03-20, 14:53
I think i have pulled a muscle in my chest its terrible sore on the front of my breast bone above my boob if you like not overly worried just trying to share how pains can come and go

11-03-20, 11:28
I think i have pulled a muscle in my chest its terrible sore on the front of my breast bone above my boob if you like not overly worried just trying to share how pains can come and go
Thank you, trying to get a grip on this ..

02-04-20, 07:23
I still keep getting chest pain on and off, it’s been two months now!
Had ecg 5 weeks ago that was normal.
Chest muscles often go into spasm at night, Really scary.
Often get upper back pain and some rib pain, chest pain is central and on right side.
Im trying to believe this is muscular.
Cant go to hospital as isolating due to living with elderly parents.
Please can someone respond.
Having cbt , but it’s now over the phone ..

02-04-20, 07:48
I still keep getting chest pain on and off, it’s been two months now!
Had ecg 5 weeks ago that was normal.
Chest muscles often go into spasm at night, Really scary.
Often get upper back pain and some rib pain, chest pain is central and on right side.
Im trying to believe this is muscular.
Cant go to hospital as isolating due to living with elderly parents.
Please can someone respond.
Having cbt , but it’s now over the phone ..

If you think it’s a heart attack you go to the hospital otherwise you respect the pressure A and E are under and the fact that doctors are dealing with a terrible situation.
It has been colder recently and that can trigger muscular chest pain.
What is your worst fear your chest pain is caused by?

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02-04-20, 08:35
I’m worried it’s my heart. Pain feels like it’s in my sternum and is worse when I move.
Im trying to be rational and think this is probably muscular.

02-04-20, 08:42
I’m worried it’s my heart. Pain feels like it’s in my sternum and is worse when I move.
Im trying to be rational and think this is probably muscular.

I think your female like me?
If the pain is anywhere above your nipple or upper half of your breast upwards it’s impossible to be your heart (or anywhere around that area imagine drawing a line across your chest if you get the image! Heart pain is more or less pretty central crushing and you wouldn’t be questioning it (you wouldn’t be doing anything if it was your heart)
Do a poster on your wall with heart attack facts or what ever your concerns are and realise it’s not that.
Equally if it was that what can you do about it?
My mum currently has a life threatening problem and the hospitals can’t do anything their hands are tied with COVID so even if it was your heart what can you do?
Either try to accept it is your heart and your still alive or it isn’t your heart and try to enjoy yourself!
We are lucky to be alive!
Let’s live and focus on that!
(Really not trying to sound harsh but I cannot describe how difficult I found chest pain/heart anxiety I lost 6 months of my life and thought it would never return due to my fears and anxiety I regret not letting it go sooner don’t make the same mistake as me)

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02-04-20, 08:52
I’m sorry to hear about your mum.
I am trying to tell myself that if it was a heart attack I wouldn’t be able to walk up and down the stairs like I am.
With the corona virus everything is heightened, I wouldn’t go to a and e.

02-04-20, 08:57
I’m sorry to hear about your mum.
I am trying to tell myself that if it was a heart attack I wouldn’t be able to walk up and down the stairs like I am.
With the corona virus everything is heightened, I wouldn’t go to a and e.

If it was a heart attack you wouldn’t be standing. Look at it like that?

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02-04-20, 09:50
If it was a heart attack you wouldn’t be standing. Look at it like that?

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Did you find your chest muscles use to go into spasm, especially at night.

02-04-20, 10:01
Did you find your chest muscles use to go into spasm, especially at night.

Mine went into spasms all the time but evenings were defiantly worse last week I cried for two hours in fear and pain but now I try to ignore it.
Look up costcochontritis I believe that is what I have been having also try rubbing your shoulders because sometimes the pain radiates from there.
Also move your neck see how tight your neck muscles are and it may seem a odd one but how many pillows do you sleep with and do you sleep on your side or your back?

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02-04-20, 10:29
I sleep on my stomach. I have tried to sleep on my back, but that makes the pain worse.

03-04-20, 00:14
I sleep on my stomach. I have tried to sleep on my back, but that makes the pain worse.

Sleeping on your stomach is the most dangerous way to sleep for anyone with any type of heart problem

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04-04-20, 08:32
Had bad chest pain last night, took a small dose of codeine and have woken up feeling sick.
Now thinking I must of had a heart attack, pain is a bit better .
Really Scared !

04-04-20, 09:48
Had bad chest pain last night, took a small dose of codeine and have woken up feeling sick.
Now thinking I must of had a heart attack, pain is a bit better .
Really Scared !

No chance your telling us about it sorry to disappoint you.

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04-04-20, 10:09
Believe me I’m not disappointed, just scared. I know you have suffered from chest pain and was worried about your heart !
I care and live with elderly parents , so have to stay in.

04-04-20, 12:31
Believe me I’m not disappointed, just scared. I know you have suffered from chest pain and was worried about your heart !
I care and live with elderly parents , so have to stay in.

You said “I must have had a heart attack” that’s what I was referring to fear of having one and believing you had one are different.
All I meant was if you had had one you wouldn’t be telling us about it. And hoped that might reassure you it wasn’t one.

I have offered my advice as I have seen/similarities in the fear and how it perpetuates and controlled my mind all the advice and tips I offered helped me. Perhaps you need to use some online cbt tools to develop your thoughts and reassurance for when these times happen.
Good luck!

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04-04-20, 14:21
Thank you for your replies, you have always been helpful.

06-04-20, 12:04
Sorry to post yet again. Today I have chest pain and feel sick, so worried it’s a heart attack because of the nausea.
Has anyone had chest pain with nauseau.

07-04-20, 17:05
Have chest muscle spasms on right side of chest for 7 hours.
Worried it won’t stop, have had spasms before but not for this long !

07-04-20, 17:33
If you are worried then you will need to call your GP and ask for advice.

07-04-20, 19:19
Has eventually stopped. I tried to distract myself. I think I was tensing my muscles in my chest, causing them to spasm.
Having cbt over the phone now and really trying to manage my health anxiety.

08-04-20, 07:38
Really bad night, very bad chest pain, also pain in ribs and back.
I can’t go to a n e , as live with elderly parents.
I feel sure I will die from a heart attack soon, maybe this would be better as I can’t cope with the anxiety and pain.

08-04-20, 07:41
I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time of it.

08-04-20, 07:51
I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time of it.
Thank you, I’m just at my wits end.
Had ecg a few weeks ago which was normal, but the pains are quite bad.
Have responsibility of looking after my parents which I think is making things worse.
I can’t see a way out of this.

08-04-20, 07:56
Sorry I haven't been following, but what help are you getting for your anxiety at the moment?

08-04-20, 08:52
I'm having cbt.
I have been feeling really sick aswell on and off for a few days.

08-04-20, 08:54
Anxiety can cause nausea - when I had bad panic attacks, the queasiness could last for days.

08-04-20, 09:13
Thank you for your replies.
I know people must be fed up with me constantly posting about chest pain and heart fears.
I think that I am so tense that all my muscles in my chest and back are just going into spasm, which is throughout the day but worse at night.
I have to protect my parents and cannot get medical help at the moment.
Im really trying to tell myself I had an ecg a few weeks ago and also two ecgs in the summer when I had chest pain.
I feel trapped in a nightmare.

08-04-20, 09:40
I think it's pretty clear by this point that there's nothing seriously wrong with your chest. I know how hard it can be to believe that, though.

08-04-20, 10:08
Thank you for your replies x

18-04-20, 17:58
Still getting chest pain, quite bad at night.
Today I’ve had chest pain and panic. Stupidly I walked up and down the stairs a few times while I was panicking, I now have sharp pains in centre of chest when moving, and I have convinced myself I have damaged my heart.
Is this possible ???
Iam having cbt , but with the coronavirus it’s over the phone and not really helping..

18-04-20, 18:36
I think you need to get a handle on the anxiety and then the chest pain may ease.

You can't have damaged your heart this way.

What are you doing in the CBT sessions?

22-04-20, 16:49
Trying with cbt to question my health fears and see it as a bully.
Today my upper back is going into spasm , especially walking up the stairs and feel sure its angina. So scared..

22-04-20, 17:07
Angina is usually chest pain not back spams.

22-04-20, 19:29
Thank you, just getting some many back spasms at the moment. Also get chest spasms at times. I live with my elderly parents , so have been self isolating for weeks.
My mental health is suffering and my anxiety is through the roof, I have become acutely aware of every twinge !

22-04-20, 19:47
I'm a carer too and it's very hard being holed up in challenging circumstances. It's good that you recognise that you are aware of every twinge but twinges and spasms are symptoms of tight muscles and overactive minds rather than impending heart attacks (over many weeks!!) and angina. Your parents are dependent on you and you fear imminent collapse and being incapacitated in a covid-ridden hospital etc etc....but chest and back pain are so common in anxiety disorders but you just need to believe this (always the hardest bit to achieve)

22-04-20, 20:07
Thank you pulisa for your reply

22-04-20, 21:04
But my reply didn't touch your belief that you are in imminent danger, did it?

22-04-20, 22:45
I found your reply reassuring. My upper back is going into really bad spasms at the moment and I'm trying to stay calm and read your post.

23-04-20, 15:58
Had really bad chest and back spasms today. Phoned the drs and spoke to a physician assistant, he said that it did not sound heart related , but that I should phone paramedics for an ecg.
I haven’t done this , spasms are a bit better. I’m so scared all the time .

23-04-20, 23:13
Spoke to paramedics who said to go to AnE, had ecg at hospital all normal.
AnE was very quiet with only 8 people, so hopefully won’t get corona.
Chest was very tender and said I may have fibromyalgia.

23-04-20, 23:18
Good news that it is not heart related then. Now can you move on from this do you think?

23-04-20, 23:21
Spoke to paramedics who said to go to AnE, had ecg at hospital all normal.
AnE was very quiet with only 8 people, so hopefully won’t get corona.
Chest was very tender and said I may have fibromyalgia.

I’m sorry to hear you ended up in hospital I guess I just wonder how your feeling now? What are your thoughts on your chest pains? Are you any more convinced it’s not your heart?
My other question is now are you self isolating because you say you care for vulnerable people and any close contact to anyone with covid (symptoms or not) will potentially leave you as a carrier?
Good luck!

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24-04-20, 07:19
Good news that it is not heart related then. Now can you move on from this do you think?
I’m really going to try.

25-04-20, 20:26

I just landed on this forum and have a few things to say. I want to be clear and upfront I am not slamming on you, attacking you, minimizing how you feel, or any of that. I highlight this because of the way I have seen you respond to others on this forum who have offered you sound advice and you have taken it as such. One thing I do know about anxiety is that when we feel others are not hearing us or agreeing with our current mindset we can switch over to anger. This anger isn't always meant to come out at the person you are talking/responding to, but regardless it does.

So, reading this 15 page forum so far you have had multiple posts, and I mean nearly every one. Some of the posts are minutes apart. It is clear and understood that you are scared. When anything happens that looks like it is the end of it all, its a threat that scares the crap out of us. You are digging your hole bigger however, something that has been said several times but your responses are always on the defense. When you are putting out post after post you are turning up the volume on the anxiety/panic/freaking out, whatever you want to call it. You are telling your brain there is a serious threat and its an emergency and it is kicking out every hormone it can to prepare your body for what its going through, freaking out or FLIGHT mode.

So you know, I to have been experiencing chest pains. My anxiety started with chest pains back in 2002. Off and on, waxing and waning. Currently I have been having consistent chest pains for the past 3 weeks. From the point I wake up to the point I go to bed. Sometimes they are really bad, other times noticeable. I like you went to the doctor and they did an EKG. The EKG came up borderline, now that is another log on the fire. However, the EKG showed no evidence of a heart attack in past or currently and I was experiencing the pain while in the doctors office. I realize that border line and abnormal EKG's can happen frequently due to lead placement and guess what, anxiety. But, the fact that I saw a doctor and was evaluated, that should have put my fears at ease. Did it? Not entirely, but than I had to use common sense. Heart attacks don't last for weeks, or in your case from the duration of these posts, months. I have had friends and family who have had heart attacks and they come on quick. In the past 6 years I have had: Multiple EKG's, 1 echocardiogram, 1 stress echocardiogram, 1 stress treadmill test, 2 halter monitors, 3 trips to the ER, blood work galore, and multiple doctors visits. Everything came out good. I have seen Cardiologists, ENT's, Neurologists, and did therapy for 4 years. I mention all of this to illuminate how crazy this all can get. You know what I have to show for it? Heightened anxiety and medical debt beyond belief.

Here's the facts, were going to die. You don't know when, you don't know how, and you don't make the call when that happens. We can do what we can to stay health, fit, and safe, but other than that, life has to go on. I am not done with this battle, and it comes in cycles. Right now with COVID the entire world is in a high anxiety state. We have some really amazing options during this period of lockdown, but its a choice. You can choose to take this time to work on you, do some inner reflection, and grow...or, you can live in fear, constant worry, and panic.

Is your chest pain from; your heart, muscles, acid reflux, fibro, costrochondritis, stress.....you are not qualified to make the decision on your own. You have seen medical professionals who have went to school to be able to spot this stuff, and they all come to the same conclusion, its not your heart. I am preaching to the choir here because I like you, doubt, ruminate, and look. STAY THE HECK OFF GOOGLE. The one post you put that said that Google said chest pain at night is from your heart....that was not a wise decision. Think of it this way, Google, Bing, Yahoo, whatever search engine you use does not want to get sued. They have to put the worst case scenario. Its the same when your doctor says there is a margin for error because there is. Chest pain sucks, I know this. I get chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, all at the same time. Those are all red flags right? If you google heart attack that is what comes up, along with some others. But like you, I am here right now typing out a massive story, breathing, thinking, and living. There are resources all over this site and other sites that will tell you how to beat anxiety. First is to accept the fact that it is anxiety and/or accept that the symptoms you are having are what they are, symptoms. Your subconscious has been programmed by the fears you pushed into it. You have to reprogram what you have learned. Believe it or not you have mastered CBT, you just did it the wrong way by telling your body there is something wrong.

pb, know you are not alone. You should be free to speak with people and voice concerns. But with that allow yourself to be open when people are seeing what you are not, a person in panic seeking reassurance who cannot see what's happening outside of themselves. I don't say this to be rude, because I can and have been that person, recently, and probably in the future. This will pass, but also see the possibility that it may be something you live with. When you get your mind working in flow it will not focus on what there is nothing to worry about. Its not an easy thing, anxiety, especially health anxiety is something I would not wish on anyone. You are strong because you are working through it. Focus on the good things, see the joy in what's around. The world may be in chaos but there is so much good happening that its hard to see it when were trapped in our dark clouds. I apologize for the long read, but like I said, I'm talking to myself as well.

25-04-20, 20:34
Brilliant post Jamloga! This should be the response for every serial poster and everyone else for that matter.

Positive thoughts

25-04-20, 20:54
Yes your right , I have become a serial poster, it's not a nice title.. I do listen to the advice, but the bully of HA always wins.

25-04-20, 22:09
Maybe stop looking at HA as a bully and see it for what it is? You. We put ourselves in this position. Yes there is an element of mental illness to consider, but it all comes down to choices. I really don't want to come across like I have this figured out, I don't. My marriage of 20 years almost ended because I could do nothing but talk about how I felt, my worries, my fears, rack up medical debt, and more. It is a crappy side affect how anxiety makes us extremely selfish. What I mean by that is that all we think about is ourselves and how we feel. Think about it, if you are having a conversation with someone and they start talking about what's going on with them or how they are feeling, I can guarantee with almost 100% accuracy you start thinking about how you feel, or if you have felt that, or you want to start talking about what's going on with you. The moments I look back and see I got a handle on this was when I was more focused on others and not me. It lets the brain settle and get out of itself. Its not easy, its freaking brutal and hard to do. For my chest pain for now my conclusion has come up to a few things. When were anxious, were tense. We all hold tension in different spots, me, its my upper back, shoulders, neck, and chest. Well, just like working out, we put muscles under tension and they hurt after. I don't know when this current bout is going to go away for me, but I'm doing my best to not allow it to take over my thoughts and day. You're doing CBT which is great, challenge the thoughts, challenge the feelings, journal it, and take note. Read back over your posts, read over your journals and reflect. You'll get through this.

15-06-20, 14:47
I’ve been getting chest pain again, trying to stay calm, I have lots of ecgs in the last 10 months, was told it was probably stress or muscular. It’s so scary, last ecg was in April.

15-06-20, 14:57
Keep calm and if you can lay down and do the breaths in and out, if the ecgs don't show anything and you haven't had a heart attack chances it is the old anxiety having a laugh with you, try to outsmart it by relaxing if you can.

Anxiety will mimic any symptom to make you feel bad.

05-07-20, 00:11
PB, with a heart attack there are other red flags. Facial colour can drain and you become grey. Stomach issues. Breathlessness, back shoulder pain, jaw pain, sweats, to name a few. Then there are risks factors. Weight, smoking status, alcohol consumption, stress level, cholesterol, blood pressure, creased ear lobes. The hospital need to check your troponin level, that’s the gold standard which I’m sure they did. When I had mine, my ECG was clear and they debated about doing a troponin test. The dr was so sure it was muscular that he let me leave A&E and told me to keep my phone on. I heard nothing until the next day at noon when the dr was in absolute panic. I was told to go to my local A&E straight away, the rest is history I’m lucky to be writing this. I’m not wanting to scare anyone and 99% it’s nothing, but please bear in mind the points I mentioned.

05-07-20, 14:44
PB, with a heart attack there are other red flags. Facial colour can drain and you become grey. Stomach issues. Breathlessness, back shoulder pain, jaw pain, sweats, to name a few. Then there are risks factors. Weight, smoking status, alcohol consumption, stress level, cholesterol, blood pressure, creased ear lobes. The hospital need to check your troponin level, that’s the gold standard which I’m sure they did. When I had mine, my ECG was clear and they debated about doing a troponin test. The dr was so sure it was muscular that he let me leave A&E and told me to keep my phone on. I heard nothing until the next day at noon when the dr was in absolute panic. I was told to go to my local A&E straight away, the rest is history I’m lucky to be writing this. I’m not wanting to scare anyone and 99% it’s nothing, but please bear in mind the points I mentioned.
Thank you, I had blood tests at the hospital , all clear.

05-07-20, 15:29
Good to hear! Stay healthy and keep it that way. An MI can lead to so many complications.

14-03-24, 10:15
I had chest pain come on from nowhere located under my left breast bone and it hurt to turn my body. I massaged it and it moved to the centre of my chest. It was so tender I couldn't sleep on my side. I thought it was trapped wind but you know how the mind works. It seems a bit better today. But I'm still wondering what caused it.