View Full Version : Red mixed into stool concerned

29-01-20, 18:34
Hello today I have an upset stomach and near diarrhea mixed in was red at first I thought blood but it didn’t seem like blood. Finally I remember last night I had pasta and tomato sauce.
I have no other symptoms but continue to have stomach issues loose stool and back and forth. Not to mention intestinal noises.
But it’s gets the anxiety going.
Is it possible to poop out the sauce virtually intact?

29-01-20, 18:55
Is it possible to poop out the sauce virtually intact?

yes several things can go through the body undigested especially tomato skins

29-01-20, 19:03
Thanks for the reply. Anxiety makes everything much more extreme. Still going to follow up with doctor since I’m at the age to be checked 48.

30-01-20, 00:00
Every time I eat tomatoes, I poop red bits, every time and it makes me think that its blood, also do not forget red bell peppers can do the same thing as well as red food coloring.

30-01-20, 04:50
Thank you for the comments. It helps alot. Seeing doctor in a couple weeks to make sure all is ok.