View Full Version : Advice needed on how to cope with workmen in house please

03-10-07, 14:02
Ok, I thought I could do this by myself by keeping my thoughts rational.................but hey theyare all over the place and Mr Panic has appeared :-( So Im hoping someone can help me keep this in context and get me through it.

I am getting a new kitchen installed on Monday, contractor came the other day and notified us of the date and time (8am!!!). He told me they would be here for 5 days. All the flats in my area are getting done and Im trying to tell myself I will cope and it will be worth all the hassle. But all the what ifs are there already. Im a bit of a perfectionist and cleaning is my way of coping with anxiety attacks.............I HATE mess and cant stand when things arent in their right place. On top of that I have to cope with workmen, god even seeing their vans this morning triggered me off! Ive to have the kitchen completely cleared, that means moving all appliances and lifting laminate flooring and emptying everything...............I like to plan and work out where things will go temporarily, but my boyfriend says he will come through on Sunday and "get stuck into then". Im trying not to get too worked up over this and tell myself its only hassle for a week, but a week is a long time for me in turmoil. Another worry I have is eating, I have to plan what Im cooking and cos of my IBS just nipping to the chinese or the chippy isnt an option. Talking of IBS - my stomach, what if that plays up! God, I could run away. Im also wondering if its safe to leave them in the house if I need to go out, maybe Im better to be out though or I will be constantly cleaning!!!
Im also scared that I will be unwell and sometimes I need to lie down, how can I do that when they are here?

OK............I need to get this into perspective........any ideas?????

Luv Darkangel x

03-10-07, 15:49
can you live with anyone else for a few days?

Think about how much nicer your new kitchen will be, and cleaner!

Lots and lots of deep breathing hunny.

I am not being flippant, I think I might sound it:shrug: i know how horrid this is for you. It brought back memories of me having folk round and getting all anx, for different reasons, but anx all the same.

You will get past this. remeber that. I believe rescue remedy is good too.

Peppermint tea for the IBS.

:hugs: Happyone

03-10-07, 16:04
Hi Darkangel

We had exactly the same done a couple of years ago mystics my partner was in very much the same boat, but we got through it.

The way we did it was to make a "safe" room for her so that she could go there for some quiet time and hopefully if they do yours like ours they will come in do a bit and go until the next day think the longest job was the plastering which took about 4 - 5 hours.

Hope this helps a little and (((((((((((((((((((((((((((darkangel))))))))))))))

one other thing they will always leave u with workable facilities (or they are meant to)

Also explain to the Tenant Liason officer about your anxiety and you need a schedule which they do have but dont like to hand out often but if you ask they should.

Brightest Blessings
Fraggle & Mystics :)

03-10-07, 16:08
We've chatted abit about this already hun and we both know that in reality you will deal quite splendidly with it.

Give us time to think and what do we do with it - we start thinking and thinking far too much. Yes I would go out regularly to get away during the 5 days and then if you are worried about using your own loo you can do that out can't you - are there some public loos near enough or a cafe etc??

Every night that they go home you can have a little sort out to your own standards then that will help you to feel in control. When I had the hall stairs landing and the front room and the kitchen all done at the same time (don't ask but it was the only way at the time) I honestly thought I was going out my head with the mess but once I worked out a plan to keep every other space spick and span (well Piglets version of spick and span) it really did help.

I also think hun that you will find at the end of every evening when they go home good workmen leave things tidy for themselves to come back to in the morning.

I honestly don't think this is gonna be as bad as you think - we are marvellous at adapting once we get going.

Love Piglet

03-10-07, 18:36
Hi D.A., I know how you feel, I get very uptight with disruption and too many people in the house. It's an invasion of privacy and peace and quiet.

Do try and cope, it'll be worth it when all the work is done.

chin up chum
luv Davexxx:flowers:

03-10-07, 21:05
Hi Darkangel,

Crikey, I have the exact opposite problem - I'd be scurrying sround trying to tidy up before the workmen came !! :ohmy::wacko:

That's what comes of being married to a 'human' hamster' for over 30 yrs!:mad::blush:

But, all joking aside, I feel for you as I don't like this kind of upheaval either - and I actually envy you the fact that it'll all be done in 5 days!

Work started on our upstairs and downstairs bathrooms the week before daughter's wedding - and they're still not completed! And we've had mega probs with faulty parts etc.

Do you have a friend that could come and stay for a few hours each time the workmen are there? Then, if you did want a bit of space you'd feel comfortable doing it.

When the going gets tough, you get going. You've proved that in all your successes - so, look at this as yet another success just waiting to happen eh?!!:flowers:

And, you can always log on here and be among 'virtual' friends!! I know that's a great comfort to me at times even when I'm not actively taking part in the forums. Just 'seeing' people you 'know' online helps a lot.

big hugs for you, and lots of love



03-10-07, 21:22
Hi Angel:)

You have my sympathy I have people coming to do work next week too!!!

That said when I had my kitchen done last year the builders became like family, I quite missed them when they left:blush:

Fraggles idea of a safe room sounds good:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x

04-10-07, 17:28
Thanks guys for the replies, like always you can all be depended on for good advice and to make me see a bit clearer. Im able to be a bit more rational today and even stopped to keep a door open for one of the workmen this morning - they seemed freindly enough so guess that is a start. My boyfriend brought round some boxes so I can start to pack things away - and I have began to write my lists.

I agree the safe room idea sounds good. Will let you all know how it goes and thanks again

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

05-10-07, 05:26
Hey Angel
Just seem your post. Seems like you're doing great, keep it up! You're lucky getting a kitchen in 5 days, I had one around June/July time, I was getting into such a state about it but I was ok, it took 2 and half weeks! I remember posting on here cause I was afraid, yer sometimes they start at 8am but not that often.
Glad to see you have some lovely positive responses, everyone on here is so great, we all know how you feel and it's great to be able to come here and know that you'll get good positive responses.
When things got a little outta hand I would go to my bedroom take all my books, music etc, had the window open, my phone with me, and funnily enuff I was so relaxed sometimes I just fell asleep, lol.
You'll be fine, seems a lot of us have been thru the same, and we're all ok.
Take care

05-10-07, 17:35
Thanks Elspbeth it means a lot for people to respond and I will take on board some of the coping technique ideas. I was hanging out my washing today and the woman downstairs was getting hers done on tuesday, so I sneakily had a peek in her window and it looks amazing, just some tiling to get done but its really tidy. Had to climb over a few shrubs and prayed she wasnt around. Also had a good chat with my boyfriend last night and got it all out, all my fears and he has suggested that he will stay for a bit longer next week and will be around a bit more in the mornings so I can get myself sorted.

Wil keep u all posted :flowers:

Luv Darkangel x

05-10-07, 20:39
Hi Hun,

I can really empathize with you. I get nervy with workman to.:sofa:

Yep that safe room definately sound good! :yesyes: Could put a kettle in there to.http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_6.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

Good Luck,:)

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X X X