View Full Version : Hard Lump on Neck

30-01-20, 15:51
So even as I'm writing this, I am telling myself I am being silly...but once again, HA rears it's ugly head.

A little over a year ago I had an xray of my neck and spine for some pain I was having. Unrelated to the pain, I had noticed I had a knot on the side of my neck that would just never go away no matter how much I massaged it. On the xray, it shows as a round lump on the side of my neck vertebrae. It's about the size of a small grape, hard, and moves. I was seeing the PA, and she gave me a name for what she thought it was (and I CANNOT remember what she said), but pretty much blew it off as nothing. Back when I had these taken, my HA was in "remission" so to speak so I didn't think much of it.

Anyway, I have been noticing it more lately and started to look into what it could be- but I cannot find any information other than a lymph node (which I know for sure it's not) or a tumor/mass. Has anyone had anything like this? Of course, now I am concerned I have undetected cancer of the neck.... but I am assuming after a year it would be causing more symptoms?

05-02-20, 00:43
Hi it’s 111

I used to have an obsession with neck lumps many years ago , my neck would constantly be sore from all the checking I was doing

I would say by a year you would definitely know something was up , and there would have been growth not to mention the x ray picking up anything bad

I hope you feel better soon