View Full Version : Health anxiety has come back during pregnancy :(

31-01-20, 10:05
My health anxiety got loads better last year (to the point I pretty much stopped posting in here) but I am bad again at the moment as I am 23 weeks pregnant and also been triggered by Coronavirus all over the news. I am worrying over my parents health and my husbands health, as well as my health and the health of my unborn baby girl. I had a breakdown sobbing in the consultants office on Tuesday and have been off work since (going back on Monday) I am not coping. Everything is setting me off.

I am getting help (therapy) and going to do some work around worrying (online worksheets the therapist has given me) but I am stressing big time :( I know myself I can work through this and I am trying so hard to rationalise my fears and use the techniques I have been taught though therapy.

At the moment I am worried over my nose.... this is gross but I keep getting bloody bogies from one side of my nose. They feel to be coming from a specific place like mucus is getting trapped up there. If course now I am worrying about tumours and c-word.

I do NOT want to pass my health anxiety onto baby and don't want to end up worrying unnecessarily over baby when she arrives. I feel really rubbish and I hate that these demons have come back.

I hope everyone else is doing ok with all the stuff about Coronavirus in the news. I am finding it really hard.

02-02-20, 13:07
Hi, I am struggling with this also but I came across an article today with someone who has survived coronavirus - I will copy the link here for you. Watch it rather than read it though. He says at the end that the media are making it sound worse than it is. Refreshing change to what the media is saying and people’s comments basically sensationalising it. Saying they are hiding something - don’t think they are. Maybe the numbers of people contracting the illness because a lot won’t even present with more than a sore throat and a bit of a cough.

As for the bloody nose, I get that regularly. Dry air, central heating, all sorts can cause it.


02-02-20, 18:12
Hi, do you think that interview is real? If so that makes me feel so much better, I have asthma, nothing severe, and I have been freaking out so bad about this virus it's making me paranoid

02-02-20, 19:23
Hi, do you think that interview is real? If so that makes me feel so much better, I have asthma, nothing severe, and I have been freaking out so bad about this virus it's making me paranoid

It’s a legit radio station and presenter in the UK so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be genuine.

I have asthma also. My husband has a fairly weak immune system although nothing serious he just seems to pick colds up quite easily and my son is the same. It’s so scary isn’t it but I’m also keeping tabs on a chart which updates twice a day with new cases, deaths and recoveries. At one point deaths outweighed recoveries, I have just checked now and the recovery rate has surpassed the death rate. Although the number of cases has gone up but if there are people just mulling about without symptoms or only very mild symptoms then they are unlikely to be counted I guess xx

02-02-20, 19:27
There are a lot of people assuming something is being kept hidden because they are building hospitals and shutting down cities and banning flights but I believe they are just trying to stop it spreading all over the world and if people are going to hospital then it’s best they have plenty of space for patients to be isolated regardless of how serious the condition.

I remember this with the swine flu outbreak, masks being worn, places on lockdown and people advised not to fly. This time they are taking the measure of stopping flights because they are trying to contain it as best they can not because they are hiding something. I also read the reason the Spanish flu outbreak killed so many is because they didn’t have the medical assistance they have now, even something as easily sought as paracetamol to bring down a fever.

06-02-20, 22:31
Thanks for the replies. I just wanted to say I am worried a lot less now. There are only 2 cases maybe 3 in the UK and it seems like a lot is being done to stop it spreading. I also found out that the majority of people who lost their lives were unwell or elderly anyway. I worry as I am asthmatic and pregnant but I am less worried about the chance of catching it.

I do notice that my health anxiety has come back with pregnancy though. I am symptom hopping a lot, as soon as I get 'reassurance' about one thing I am straight onto another. Hyper aware of bodily sensations at the moment as noticing baby move more and your body changes so much during pregnancy is hard to decipher whats normal/what isn't. Already been at the doctors worrying over my boobs! All normal thank god.

08-02-20, 17:27
I just wanted to tell you that when I was pregnant around the same stage as you I kept getting blood from my nose, I even went to see a ENT specialist he just told me that around that tone we get a lot more pressure extra blood pumping and it can affect the little tiny veins in your nose, he burnt my ones with silver nitrate and that was the end of that.

08-02-20, 18:15
Same here. I'm 13 weeks with my first and I've been managing alright til this past week, and I've been in a bad spiral over my heart. Almost went to the ER. Waited and went to my GP instead. Had a normal EKG but still feel like something's horribly wrong. Going to see my cardiologist first thing Monday morning and I'm terrified of some major heart issue that's going to complicate my pregnancy.

09-02-20, 17:37
Hi Snowflake, congratulations on your pregnancy. I think people with anxiety usually love much. Your baby is blessed to have you as its momma.

I just wanted to let you know that I get nosebleeds, etc., from dry heat in my home and from cold weather outside. I use a saline nasal spray several times a day. (I keep it right next to my bed and favorite chair.) It has really helped keep my nasal passages happy :). It is just salt water, so I pretty sure you can use it while pregnant.

Happy baby making :bighug1: